619 North Yorkshire Council Pay Policy for Senior Managers PDF 284 KB
1) That the Executive consider the 2025-2026 Pay Policy in appendix A and recommend to full Council, at their meeting on 26 February 2025, the approval of the Pay Policy for publication.
Additional documents:
Considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive HR & Business Support which set out the North Yorkshire Council Pay Policy for Senior Managers 2025-26 for approval by full Council at their meeting on 26 February 2025. Introducing the report, the Executive Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Gareth Dadd advised that the principles behind the policy remained unchanged. He noted savings worth some £4.7 million in senior officer pay achieved through LGR and also the leanness of the staffing structure when compared to similar councils.
Resolved (unanimously) that the Executive consider the 2025-2026 Pay Policy in Appendix A and recommend to full Council, at their meeting on 26 February 2025, the approval of the Pay Policy for publication.
Reasons for recommendations
A legal requirement to publish the pay policy as set out in the Localism Act 2011.