Issue - meetings

The future of the Selby Local Plan

Meeting: 04/02/2025 - Executive (Item 621)

621 The future of the Selby Local Plan pdf icon PDF 442 KB



i.       To recommend to Full Council that work on the emerging Selby Local Plan is ceased.


ii.       The council works proactively to bring forward sites within the Selby area to seek to maintain land supply, using those sites identified within the draft Selby Local Plan as the starting point for discussions with site promoters/developers.


iii.       The council continues to promote the regeneration of Tadcaster, working with key stakeholders to support the delivery of sites and to bring derelict buildings back into use and work to ensure that evidence in respect of delivery is secured as we move through the preparation of the North Yorkshire Local Plan.?


Additional documents:


Considered a report of the Corporate Director of Community Development which set out the current position in relation to the preparation of the Selby Local Plan and consequently proposed that work on the plan cease and that, where possible, the evidence base and work undertaken to date be used to feed into the new local plan for North Yorkshire.  Introducing the report, the Executive Member for Open for Business, Councillor Mark Crane advised that the demands in terms of housing requirement, economic growth and associated infrastructure placed on the local planning authority by the newly updated NPPF meant that much more work was required on the Selby Local Plan to evidence and deliver new sites; capacity and budget which was better directed towards the development of the new local plan for North Yorkshire.  Members were further advised that the local area committee, although disappointed, supported this decision but asked that the council continued to vigorously promote the regeneration of Tadcaster.

Resolved (unanimously) that:

       i.   The Executive recommend to Full Council that work on the emerging Selby Local Plan is ceased.


     ii.   The council works proactively to bring forward sites within the Selby area to seek to maintain land supply, using those sites identified within the draft Selby Local Plan as the starting point for discussions with site promoters/developers.


    iii.   The council continues to promote the regeneration of Tadcaster, working with key stakeholders to support the delivery of sites and to bring derelict buildings back into use and work to ensure that evidence in respect of delivery is secured as we move through the preparation of the North Yorkshire Local Plan.?


Reasons for recommendations


Taking into account the up-to-date context for the preparation of the Selby Local Plan, most notably the implications of the new NPPF, it is the view of officers that work on the plan should be halted.


Irrespective of whether the plan is halted or not, the land supply position will be challenging and there will need to be a proactive approach to the delivery of sites.