Issue - meetings

Healthy Child Programme - Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Executive (Item 684)

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Executive Members are asked to recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency delegated powers, he:

i)         Approve the Draft Section 75 Agreement;

ii)        Delegate to the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) approval of any necessary amendments to the Agreement, to enable it to be completed.


Additional documents:




A report of the Corporate Director – Children and Young Peoples Services presenting the outcome of the public consultation into the use and content of the Section 75 Agreement and seeking approval to enter into the Section 75 agreement between the Council and North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NYCCG) in relation to the commissioning of Emotional Health and Wellbeing services.


County Councillor Andrew Lee introduced the report which provided an update on the public consultation undertaken and confirmed that the majority of responses had been in favour of North Yorkshire County Council entering into the Section 75 Agreement with NHS North Yorkshire CCG.


He confirmed the proposed Commissioning S75 Agreement would allow partners to work together in the procurement of services to support young people aged 9-19 in respect of their Emotional Health and Wellbeing.  He also provided an overview of the main aims of the partnership arrangement, as detailed in the report, and drew attention to the financial implications of the Agreement for the County Council.  


All Executive Members voted in favour of the recommendations in the report, and it was


Resolved:  That it be recommended to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency delegated powers, he:

i)     Approve the Draft Section 75 Agreement;

ii)    Delegate to the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) approval of any necessary amendments to the Agreement, to enable it to be completed.