637 Healthy Child Programme - Emotional Health and Wellbeing PDF 511 KB
The Executive is asked to recommend to the Chief Executive Officer, that using his emergency delegated powers, he approve:
i) The commencement of a public consultation on the use of a S75 to facilitate the joint commissioning of the delivery of Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services for Children and Young People between the Council and NYCCG;
ii) The draft Section 75 Agreement.
iii) That the consultation responses be presented to the Executive in January 2022, and subject to the outcome of the consultation, a final draft Section 75 agreement be brought back to Executive for approval.
Additional documents:
Considered –
A report of the Corporate Director – Children and Young Peoples Services presenting a proposal for, and outline of a Section 75 Agreement between the Council and North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NYCCG) for the delivery of Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services for Children and Young People aged 9-19. The report also sought approval to commence a 60 day consultation in respect of the use and content of the Section 75.
County Councillor Janet Sanderson introduced the report which detailed the planned bringing together of a range of partners from across North Yorkshire, in order to procure and deliver services to support young people aged 9-19 in respect of their Emotional Health and Wellbeing.
She drew attention to the proposed 60-day consultation which would seek to inform the Section 75 Agreement between the Council and North Yorkshire CCG, and would come into effect on 01/04/2022 for an initial period of 3 years, with an option to extend for a further 2 years.
She noted that the North Yorkshire CCG would act as the lead commissioner.
Resolved: That
Executive Members would recommend to the Chief Executive Officer, that using his emergency delegated powers, he approve:
i) The commencement of a public consultation on the use of a S75 to facilitate the joint commissioning of the delivery of Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services for Children and Young People between the Council and NYCCG;
ii) The draft Section 75 Agreement.
iii) That the consultation responses be presented to the Executive in January 2022, and subject to the outcome of the consultation, a final draft Section 75 agreement be brought back to Executive for approval.