Issue - meetings

Response to Rural Commission report

Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Executive (Item 645)

645 Response to Rural Commission report pdf icon PDF 376 KB

Recommendations:  That Executive Members note the contents of this report, and recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency powers he consider and agree a response to the report of the North Yorkshire Rural Commission, based on the draft set out in section 3 of the report.


Considered –


A report of the Assistant Director Policy, Partnerships and Communities, updating Executive Members on the report of the North Yorkshire Rural Commission and proposing a response from the County Council to the recommendations in the report.


County Councillor Carl Les introduced the report confirming he had asked the Overview & Scrutiny Committees to continue to explore the report and its recommendations.


Neil Irving - Assistant Director Policy, Partnerships and Communities, outlined the consultation undertaken by the Commission, and drew attention to their request that their final report ‘not sit on a shelf’, but instead be used to inform positive actions to help support rural communities across the county.  He confirmed that in response, an Advisory Group had been set up and that his report presented a general response to the Rural Commission’s findings, and a specific response to the 26 recommendations for the County Council. 


Richard Flinton, Chief Executive Officer confirmed the Commission had proved a very useful exercise with issues from across the county being pulled together, and leading to a co-ordinated response.


County Councillor Stuart Parson was disappointed to note there was no recommendation around the funding of homes in the National Parks.  He suggested that the County Council lobby Government for a change in legislation.


County Councillor Dom Mackenzie drew attention to the County Council’s digital investment particularly in rural areas and its ongoing financial support for public transport in rural areas.


County Councillor Stanley Lumley, Chair of the Scrutiny Board welcomed the opportunity for Overview & Scrutiny to look at the gaps in the report and make further recommendations to the Executive.


Overall, Executive Members welcomed the Commission’s findings, and its was



·          That the report be noted;

·          That it be recommended to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency powers he consider and agree a response to the report of the North Yorkshire Rural Commission, based on the draft set out in section 3 of the report.