
Full Council - Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Northallerton

Contact: Daniel Harry 

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2024 pdf icon PDF 508 KB

To move that the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 15 May 2024, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Apologies for absence


Declarations of Interest


Chairman's Announcements

Any correspondence, communication or other business brought forward by the direction of the Chairman of the Council.


Statement by the Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 8 KB


Public Questions or Statements

Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice and provided the text to Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services – email: or in writing to Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services, County Hall, Northallerton DL7 8AD by midday on Friday, 19 July 2024.  Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item.


If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.



Notices of Motion

Motion calling for Support for a bathing water application for the River Swale


This council supports a bathing water application to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the River Swale in Richmond.


This council notes that Save our Swale (a group dedicated to improving the water quality in the whole of the River Swale) is working with other individuals and organisations on a bathing water application and that this application requires the support of the local authority which is North Yorkshire Council.


This council believes:


a)         That the River Swale is an important resource for the people of Richmond and the wider area of North Yorkshire.

b)         That improving the quality of the Swale will have significant benefits for the environment, public health, recreation and the local economy.

c)         That supporting the bathing water application for the River Swale is in the best interests of both the people of Richmond and of North Yorkshire.


This council resolves:


To express support for the bathing water application for the River Swale in Richmond.


It has been requested that the motion be debated at the meeting of Council on 24 July 2024.


Proposer – Councillor Stuart Parsons

Seconder – Councillor Kevin Foster


Motion calling on Council to halt the proposed cuts to free school bus services in the County (Home to School Transport Policy) - Recommendation from the Executive pdf icon PDF 363 KB

To enable Council to consider the recommendations of the Executive regarding the Motion on the proposed Home to School Transport Policy that was referred at the meeting of Council on 15 May 2024.


The following motions that were referred to Scrutiny from Full Council on 15 May 2024 will be brought back to a meeting of Full Council on 13 November 2024:


·                     Residents right to grow – Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·                     Treating care experience as a protective characteristic – Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The following motion that was referred to Scrutiny from Full Council on 21 February 2024 will be brought back to a meeting of Full Council on 13 November 2024:


·                     To reduce the budget for mowing and spraying by at least £100k a year and to cease all purchases of any products containing glyphosate or neonicotinoids – Scrutiny of Health Committee




To consider the report and recommendations of the Executive and make decisions on them pdf icon PDF 152 KB

·                     Revenue Budget, Treasury Management and Capital Plan

·                     Administrative amendments to the LGPS Discretions Policy

·                     Consultation on changes to the Council’s Home to School Travel Policy (separate item on this agenda)

·                     North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (separate item on this agenda)

·                     Amendments to the Council’s Constitution (separate item on this agenda)

·                     Submission of data to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (separate item on this agenda)


Proposed Changes to the Council's Home to School Travel Policy pdf icon PDF 7 MB


Council Size Submission to Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) Electoral Boundary Review pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Final Recommendations on the Community Governance Reviews for Harrogate and Scarborough pdf icon PDF 3 MB


North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030 pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Amendments to the Council's Constitution pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 253 KB


Annual Overview and Scrutiny Report 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 413 KB


Statements of Executive Members and Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Executive Members


Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills - Councillor Annabel Wilkinson pdf icon PDF 356 KB


Executive Member for Finance and Assets - Councillor Gareth Dadd pdf icon PDF 257 KB


Executive Member for Open to Business - Councillor Mark Crane pdf icon PDF 273 KB


Executive Member for Corporate Services - Councillor Heather Phillips pdf icon PDF 303 KB


Executive Member for Highways and Transportation - Councillor Keane Duncan pdf icon PDF 297 KB


Executive Member for Health and Adult Services - Councillor Michael Harrison pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing - Councillor Simon Myers pdf icon PDF 219 KB


Executive Member for Children and Families - Councillor Janet Sanderson pdf icon PDF 346 KB


Executive Member for Managing our Environment - Councillor Greg White pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Overview and Scrutiny Chairs


Scrutiny Board (Chair: Councillor Karin Sedgwick) pdf icon PDF 265 KB


Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair: Councillor Andrew Williams) pdf icon PDF 259 KB


Scrutiny of Health (Chair: Councillor Andrew Lee) pdf icon PDF 354 KB


Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair: Councillor David Staveley) pdf icon PDF 245 KB


Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair: Councillor Barbara Brodigan) pdf icon PDF 357 KB


Housing and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair: Councillor Malcolm Taylor) pdf icon PDF 257 KB


Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair: Councillor Karin Sedgwick) pdf icon PDF 257 KB


Use of special urgency procedures since the last meeting of Council - Report of the Leader pdf icon PDF 360 KB


Council Procedure Rule 10 Questions