Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Northallerton
Contact: Daniel Harry
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 18 May 2022 |
Apologies for absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Chairman's Announcements Any correspondence, communication or other business brought forward by the direction of the Chairman of the Council. |
Public Questions or Statements Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice and provided the text to Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) – email: or in writing to Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services), County Hall, Northallerton DL7 8AD by midday on Friday, 15 July 2022. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item.
If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
To consider the report and recommendations of the Executive and make decisions on them · Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring Report · Proposed Changes to Overview and Scrutiny Arrangements during the period July 2022 to March 2023 and other (minor) changes to the Constitution · Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy · Council Tax Discounts and Premiums Policy · Non Domestic rating Discretionary Rate Reliefs and Hardship Policies. |
Approval of Revised Planning Enforcement and Monitoring Policy |
Annual Overview and Scrutiny Report 2021/22 A review of the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2021/22 and looking ahead to the work that will be undertaken in 2022/23. |
Statements of Executive Members, in the order set out below, followed by the Statements of the Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees |
Executive Members: |
Executive Member for Open to Business - County Councillor Derek Bastiman |
Executive Member for Corporate Services - County Councillor David Chance |
Executive Member for Highways and Transportation - County Councillor Keane Duncan |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services - County Councillor Michael Harrison |
Executive Member for Planning for Growth - County Councillor Simon Myers |
Executive Member for Working in Localities - County Councillor Greg White |
Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills - County Councillor Annabel Wilkinson |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairmen: |
Scrutiny Board (Chairman: County Councillor Karin Sedgwick) |
Scrutiny of Health (Chairman: County Councillor Andrew Lee) |
Notices of Motion There are two Notices of Motion, as follows:
1) Implementing Climate Change and Environmental Action Plans
The motion is as follows:
“This Council resolves to establish a politically proportionate Scrutiny Committee to monitor its progress on developing and implementing climate and environmental action plans across the whole of the Council’s business. The remit of this committee is to ensure that there is oversight of the overall achievement of the collective ambition for change. It will remain the remit of individual scrutiny areas to ensure this work is embedded in the action planning in each of the Council’s areas of work.”
Proposed by County Councillor Andy Brown Seconded by County Councillor Stuart Parsons.
2) Nature and Climate Change
The motion is as follows:
The Liberal Democrat & Liberal Group congratulates the previous council in creating the foundations of a net zero carbon plan and welcomes the development of the enhanced net zero carbon neutral plan for the new authority. The Group alsocelebrates and supports the recent NYCC cabinet decision to declare a climate change emergency. The group reminds the council that under the leadership of Alok Sharma MP, the UK still holds the COP Presidency until later this year with a mandate of working with governments and organisations to make sure they deliver on the Glasgow Climate Pact, turning momentum into action The Group asks council to note and act on the subsequent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC (2022) report which stated;
The Group ask the Council to also note and as a priority act on:
Council Procedure Rule 10 Questions |
Meetings of the County Council. Evacuation in an emergency |