Agenda and minutes

Special meeting - Station Gateway Project, Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Committee - Friday, 5th May, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Harrogate Civic Centre, St Luke's Avenue, Harrogate HG1 2AE. This meeting will be live-streamed.


No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest regarding minute no. 4 on the basis that he was a member of North Yorkshire Council’s Executive which was to be the decision making body. This was not considered a pecuniary interest and therefore he remained in the room for the debate and vote.


Councillor Philip Broadbank declared an interest regarding minute no 4 on the basis that he was a member of the Harrogate Civic Society. This was not considered a pecuniary interest and therefore he remained in the room for the debate and vote.


Councillor Chris Aldred declared an interest regarding minute no 4 on the basis that he was a member of the Harrogate Cycling Forum*. This was not considered a pecuniary interest and therefore he remained in the room for the debate and vote.


* 08.05.23 - Councillor Aldred requested an amendment to reflect he was actually a member of the Harrogate District Cycle Action Group


Councillor Matt Walker declared an interest regarding minute no 4 on the basis that he was a member of Open Country and that he was Vice-Chair of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Liberal Democrat Group. These were not considered pecuniary interests and therefore he remained in the room for the debate and vote.


Public Questions or Statements

Anyone who would like to ask a question or make a statement at the meeting should email notice of their wish to do so, including the full text of what they intend to say, to as soon as possible, and by midday on Tuesday 2 May 2023 at the latest.  Speakers are each asked not to exceed 3 minutes’ speaking time and to read out only the statement/question of which they have submitted notice, without adding to or altering it.  No person may submit more than one question or statement.  No more than one question may be asked, or statement made, on behalf of one organisation.  The overall time available for public questions or statements is 30 minutes.


If you are asking a question or making a statement at this meeting but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct those taking a recording to cease whilst you speak.


Thirteen notices had been received of statements and/or questions from members of the public to be put before the committee at the meeting.


The following public statement was read out by Kevin Douglas:


From Harrogate District Cycle Action and Open Country


We ask Councillors to support the Harrogate Station Gateway project for six main reasons which I will now outline.


1) It will improve the town centre as a place for people


The town centre will become a more pleasant place for people, and make them want to stay longer to eat, drink and shop.


2) Harrogate should benefit from the opportunity of this investment not reject it


Harrogate stands to benefit from an investment of £10.9 million. If we reject it now the money will be spent somewhere else – not in Harrogate or the District as a whole.


It will also almost certainly put in doubt the opportunity for future funding bids to be successful, therefore impacting upon the securing of further external funding.


3) Station Gateway will be good for town centre businesses


All the evidence shows that public realm improvements and active travel infrastructure lead to higher spending.


4) Responding to the 2019 Congestion Survey


In 2019, 77% of 15,500 respondents to the Harrogate Congestion Survey asked for better cycling and walking infrastructure. The Station Gateway projects shows a commitment to putting in place a hub on which to build that cycling and walking infrastructure.


5) Station Gateway will improve active travel facilities


66% of people say that it’s too dangerous for them to cycle in traffic. To make cycling an option for all, including children, we need dedicated cycle tracks.


There are planned improvements for those on foot too. Of course people can continue to drive into town if they prefer.


The status quo does not represent a town centre accessible to all; Station Gateway will begin the process of changing that.


6) The Climate


Transport represents 28% of North Yorkshire’s greenhouse gas emissions.


The Routemap to Carbon Negative for the York & North Yorkshire region recognises the need to:


·         Reduce vehicle miles and

·         Increase active travel

To do that, we need to enable active travel through better infrastructure. The Station Gateway project is a platform to begin to provide that infrastructure.


Without positive action North Yorkshire will not achieve its climate goals.




For these six reasons, we ask Councillors to support Harrogate Station Gateway. Please show your commitment to improving our active travel facilities, and to securing the future prosperity of Harrogate and its town centre



The following public question was read out by Sue Savill of Party Fever Ltd:


We’ve been situated on Station Parade since 2011. We are a party supplies shop and we provide a balloon decorating service.  Customers either collect balloon orders or we deliver locally. We also provided large installations for corporate clients. 


There’s a good mix of other businesses on our street too, offering services to clients who may not be particularly mobile, hairdressers, a long-established  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Traffic Regulation Orders - Harrogate Transforming Cities Fund: pdf icon PDF 9 MB

A verbal presentation will be given by Richard Binks (Head of Major Projects and Infrastructure), Tania Weston (Transforming Cities Fund Programme Managerer), and Matt Roberts (Economic & Regeneration Project Manager).



Traffic Regulation Orders – Harrogate Transforming Cities Fund:


Considered - 


The Report of the Corporate Director – Environment, Traffic Regulations Orders Transforming Cities Fund.  Councillor Keane Duncan, Executive Member for Highways and Transportation and officers Richard Binks (Head of Major Projects and Infrastructure), Tania Weston (Transforming Cities Fund Programme Manager), and Matt Roberts (Economic & Regeneration Project Manager) undertook a joint presentation.


Councillor Duncan stated that the Executive was seeking the views of the Committee before making a decision. He explained that Harrogate was facing problems relating to congestion, air quality and road safety. There were challenges for town centre retail and Harrogate could do better on public transport, walking and cycling. The “status quo” was not sustainable and that the Gateway offered an opportunity although not perfect to transform the town centre, improve transport access, revitalise Harrogate as a destination and is a potential step to address the issues facing Harrogate at present and in the future. There are strong views both for and against demonstrated through the consultation and at the meeting with the public split down the middle. He emphasised the importance of the funding that had been secured and the ability to use it and that the council was seeking to find a way forward within the context of strict funding and deadline criteria set by government. There was limited time before the Executive decision on 30 May and this would be used to make a strong case with the benefit of the views from the meeting. There were a number of areas raised by members of the Committee already:


·         The Odeon roundabout cycling infrastructure – Full details of the options considered will be provided and the design will be reviewed in advance of the meeting on 30 May.

·         The wider sustainable and active travel infrastructure – Gateway includes significant public transport, walking and cycling improvements how does Gateway integrate effectively into the wider town? How the Gateway could be a catalyst for further sustainable travel Improvement in the wider town will be set out by 30th of May, if it proceeds

·         Congestion – The project proposes improvements to signals and Pelican Crossings in the immediate area to ensure better coordination but what about the impact impacts on the wider area. The actual Gateway project is fixed however cannot be looked at isolation. By 30th of May it will be outlined how the review of the Junctions immediately before the Gateway area along the Ripon Road and on King's Road will be undertaken. There will be a commitment of funds from existing budgets to look at feasibility works and a report could be brought forward to the ACC as soon as possible.


Councillor Duncan confirmed that he wanted to work with the Committee prior to the Executive meeting and that all comments from members would be considered prior to the production of the Executive report. The Committee was being requested to endorse the Gateway as a potential solution to address Harrogate's issues and for ongoing input  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.