Venue: Room 3, West Block, County Hall, Northallerton
Contact: Melanie Carr Email:
No. | Item |
Due to a previous meeting over running the Shareholder Committee meeting started at 1pm. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2022 PDF 345 KB Minutes: Resolved –
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2022, having been printed and circulated, be confirmed as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Public Questions & Statements Membersofthepublicmayask questionsor makestatementsatthismeetingiftheyhave givennoticetoMelanie CarrofDemocraticandScrutinyServicesandsuppliedthetext (contactdetailsbelow)by middayon Thursday 16 June 2022,threeworkingdays beforethedayofthemeeting. Each speaker should limitthemselvesto3 minuteson any item. Membersofthe publicwho have given notice will be invited to speak:- · atthispointinthemeetingiftheirquestions/statementsrelatetomatterswhichare not otherwise on the Agenda(subject to anoverall time limitof30 minutes); · whentherelevantAgendaitemisbeingconsiderediftheywishtospeakon amatter which is onthe Agendaforthismeeting.
Ifyouare exercisingyourrighttospeakat thismeeting,butdo notwishtoberecorded,p ... view the full agenda text for item 3. Minutes: There were no questions or statements from the public.
Brierley Group Quarter 3 2021/22 Performance Report PDF 355 KB Recommendation: That the ShareholderCommitteenotes the update. Minutes:
The report of the Assistant Director for Strategic Resources, providing a Quarter 3 financial and performance update for 2021/22 for the companies that make up the Brierley Group.
Vicki Dixon, Assistant Director for Strategic Resources introduced the report, providing an overview of performance and highlighting the third quarter achievements and challenges for the individual companies. She drew members’ attention specifically to the fact that the current unaudited position shows actual revenue of £97.4m against a target of £109.9m, resulting in a loss after tax of £327k against a budgeted profit of £324k.
She continued to note some of the factors driving the financial performance, as detailed in the report, for example Covid recovery, the rising cost of both supplies and fuel, labour shortages and a challenging trading environment.
Members noted:
· There is an expectation to return to an overall position of profit after tax in 2022/23. · Align, NYNET and Yorwaste delivered strong performances ahead of budget. · The Brierley Homes loss is in line with budget as three sites are in construction with the sales to be realised is 22/23. · A successful recruitment campaign has resulted in the appointment of a new Senior Development Manager for Brierley Homes commencing in June 2022. · NY Highways are expected to return to profitability in 22/23. · Allerton Waste Recovery Park continues to perform successfully, some initial technical issues have been rectified with no cost to NYCC. This has contributed greatly to the shareholder value.
In regard to the difference in the expected tax position Vicki Dixon agreed to provide a further breakdown of these figures to the Committee.
Councillor Dadd noted that the shareholder value was not just about financial return but the performance to the Authority as its client and to the residents of North Yorkshire.
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources outlined the current difficulties in attracting and retaining adequate labour resources and that some services had been impacted by Local Government Reorganisation.
Members noted the report and thanked officers for the update.
Purpose of the Report: To consider and develop the Work Programme for the Shareholder Committee Minutes: Members considered and endorsed the work programme for the Committee for the remainder of 2022/23. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services identified that as the Shareholder Committee was a subcommittee of the Executive, all Committee Members should be Members of the Executive.
A new Executive Committee Member should therefore be appointed. Councillor Mark Crane may participate in an informal working group of the Shareholder Committee but may only continue to attend this Committee as an observer.