Venue: Room 3, County Hall, Northallerton
Contact: Melanie Carr Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2022 PDF 347 KB Minutes: Resolved –
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2022, having been printed and circulated, be confirmed as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Public Questions & Statements Membersofthepublicmayask questionsor makestatementsatthismeetingiftheyhave givennoticetoMelanie CarrofDemocraticandScrutinyServicesandsuppliedthetext (contactdetailsbelow)by middayon Thursday 13 October 2022,threeworkingdays beforethedayofthemeeting. Each speaker should limitthemselvesto3 minuteson any item. Membersofthe publicwho have given notice will be invited to speak:- · atthispointinthemeetingiftheirquestions/statementsrelatetomatterswhichare not otherwise on the Agenda(subject to anoverall time limitof30 minutes); · whentherelevantAgendaitemisbeingconsiderediftheywishtospeakon amatter which is onthe Agendaforthismeeting.
Ifyouare exercisingyourrighttospeakat thismeeting,butdo notwishtoberecorded,p ... view the full agenda text for item 9. Minutes: There were no questions or statements from the public.
Brierley Group Quarter 1 2022/23 Report PDF 424 KB Recommendation: That the ShareholderCommitteenotes the update. Minutes: The report of the Assistant Director for Strategic Resources, providing a Quarter 1 financial and performance update for 2020/21 for the companies that make up the Brierley Group.
Vicki Dixon, Assistant Director for Strategic Resources introduced the report, highlighting the key achievements and challenges for the individual companies within the Brierley Group. In particular, she drew members’ attention to: · The significant cost pressures due to the rise in inflation and challenges in the labour market; · The projected shareholder value for 2022-23 of £9,396; · Those companies tracking ahead of budget e.g. NYNet and Yorwaste; · The sales completions by Brierley Homes and revenue projections ahead of the business case targets; · The labour challenges for NYES in catering and cleaning, and the ongoing work to push the uptake of school meals; · The issues around equipment delays for NYNet; · The ongoing review of Veritau’s pay and rewards offer, to assist in reducing staff losses; · The ongoing work to improve the operational and finance systems for North Yorkshire Highways
Members thanked officers for the update and it was
Resolved – That the Brierley Group Quarter 1 financial and performance update for 2020/21 be noted.
Purpose of the Report: To consider and develop the Work Programme for the Shareholder Committee Minutes: Vicki Dixon, Assistant Director Strategic Resources confirmed the next meeting would be on 23 March 2023 and not in January as shown on the work programme document. At the March meeting she confirmed the Committee would receive the BrierleyGroup Q3 2022/23PerformanceReport, together with a summaryof the BrierleyGroup Business Plans, and asked that the work programme be updated to reflect that.
Resolved: That the work programme for the remainder of 2022/23 be endorsed subject to the change identified above. |