No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Items for Executive Member decision |
Nuffield Foundation research Project: Care leavers PDF 256 KB To accept the £135,00 grant funding from the Department for Education for delivery of this digital and data grant programme. |
Consultation on closure of Children’s Centres (Children & Families Hubs) PDF 441 KB To seek approval to commence a public consultation on the de-commissioning and closure of five designated Children’s Centres. |
Special Free School Programme – Acceptance of conditions PDF 256 KB To seek Executive Member approval, following a successful application to the Department for Education, to accept the conditions offered to establish a new Special Free School in Northallerton at the Grammar School Lane site, This matter is being considered by the Executive Member for Education and Skills, after consultation with the Corporate Director Children and Young people’s Services under the Executive Member’s urgency powers in paragraph 14 of the Executive Members’ Delegation Scheme.
Items for Corporate Director decision |
Music Service Fees 2023/24 PDF 147 KB To seek approval for the scale of fees for parents and schools for financial year 2023/24 |
Early Years Provider Funding Rates 2023/24 PDF 754 KB To agree recommendations to change the funding rates paid to early years’ providers for the funded entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds and disadvantaged 2 year olds for the 2023/24 financial year. |
High Needs Budget 2023-24 PDF 399 KB To approve the proposed high needs block budget |
Any Other Business |
Date of future formal meetings |