Venue: Selby Civic Centre, Selby
Contact: Paul Preston Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairperson To elect a Chair of the Committee to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2025.
Minutes: Paul Preston, the lead Democratic Services Support Officer to the Committee, invited nominations from Members for a Chairperson for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
Councillor Proud proposed and Councillor Duckett seconded that Councillor Melanie Davis be elected Chairperson for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. There were no other nominations. Upon being put to the voted, it was:-
Resolved - That Councillor Melanie Davis be appointed as Chair for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
(Councillor Davis in the Chair)
Welcome, introductions and apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
An apology for absence was received from Councillor Shaw-Wright.
Councillor Lee joined the meeting remotely via MS Teams.
The Chair read out the following guidance statement to the ACC: “Members will be aware that we are in a pre-election period, with the General Election being held on 4 July 2024. Whilst the business of the Council continues, we do need to be mindful of avoiding giving an individual or a political group a platform by which they can influence public opinion in the lead up to the election. Please can I ask that all Members are mindful of this during today’s proceedings.”
Election of Vice-Chair To elect a Vice-Chair of the Committee, to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2025.
Minutes: The Chair invited nominations from Members for a Vice-Chair for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
Councillor Warneken proposed and Councillor Duckett seconded that Councillor Kirsty Poskitt be elected Vice-Chair for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. There were no other nominations. Upon being put to the voted, it was:-
Resolved –
(Unanimously) that Councillor Kirsty Poskitt be appointed as Vice-Chair for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
Minutes from the meeting held on the 26 April 2024 To confirm the minutes as a correct record and to be signed by the Chair.
Minutes: That the minutes of the meeting held on 26th April, 2024, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, including the nature of those interests.
Minutes: Councillor Arthur declared a personal interest in minute 76 (Stronger Communities Update 2023/24) as he was the ACC’s appointed representative on the place-based organisation “Up for Yorkshire”.
Councillor Poskitt declared a personal interest in minute 76 (Stronger Communities Update 2023/24) by reason of her employment with Tadcaster Rural Community Interest Company.
Public questions and/or statements Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice to Paul Preston of Democratic Services and supplied the text (contact details below) by midday on Tuesday 11 June 2024, three working days before the day of the meeting. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item.
Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:-
If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
Minutes: There were no public questions or statements received.
Northern Powergrid - Presentation Katie Privett, Northern Powergrid will give a presentation at the meeting.
Minutes: The Chair welcomed and introduced to the Committee Katie Privett, the Regional Insights Manager for Northern Powergrid.
Katie talked about her role and what it entailed as the Regional Insights Manager and then gave the ACC a detailed power-point presentation entitled Northern Powergrid – Enabling Regional Decarbonisation, which highlighted the following:
· Northern Powergrid – responsible for the electricity distribution network in the North East, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire; · What Northern Powergrid does for its customers; · Providing Connections: Growth and decarbonisation across our region; · Decarbonisation: Meeting the challenge; · 30 GW in our connections pipeline; · Providing connections: timescales; · Providing connection: Costs to connect; · Working with Local Authorities.
Appended to the presentation was the following additional information:
· Statistical connections information – appetite for major connections was booming; · Progressing major connections for those ready to proceed; · New load growth visualisations highlighting future flexibility needs
During and upon the conclusion of the presentation, Katie Privett responded to the ACC’s comments, questions and concerns on various matters raised.
Councillor Warneken thanked Katie for her presentation but raised concerns (as an example case study) there was a lot of emphasis on new installations but raised issues regarding bad problems with an existing installation. He referred to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points, solar panels and battery storage at home and added at weekends he was off grid. On weekdays when working he fired up the lighting is his warehouse and using his machinery. He stated that he did not have enough battery storage to run everything off grid. For the last five months he had experienced outage to the level of 145 volts when he’s been told this was unacceptable. Concerned at the level of service received and responses received to these issues. On a more positive note, he added he was working with two local villages for local energy generation. Councillor Warneken was advised to contact Katie Privett post meeting to follow-up his specific issues raised.
Councillor Lunn commented on the original design of the grid and capacity issues. He asked did Northern Powergrid encourage any works outside the grid? Katie Privett outlined an example of work with Moto and looking at connection solutions at service stations for example.
Councillor Duckett enquired how Northern Powergrid worked with the Council’s planning department regarding housing developments and commented on a number of power outages experienced in the area she represented.. At what point did Northern Powergrid know about potential new developments. Katie Privett responded than traditionally Northern Powergrid became aware when a planning application was submitted. She talked about design study that cost from £300 to £1500 for a development.
Councillor Poskitt also mentioned several power outages in Tadcaster locality and the major impact that had on businesses in particular in that area.
Resolved –
(a) That Katie Privett, Regional Insights Manager, Northern Powergrid be thanked for her informative and interesting presentation; and
(b) Members of the ACC contact Katie Privett directly following the meeting on any specific issue they would like a more detailed response on (The ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Stronger Communities Update 2023/24 Report of the Assistant Chief Executive, Local Engagement.
The Chair welcomed Mr Jenkinson to the meeting and added she was particularly interested in how much funding had been spent in Selby area, particular with regard to the Inspire grants and if this information could continue to be provided in future reports.
The report provided Members with an update on the Stronger Communities programme and gave a more detailed overview of progress made in the Selby and Ainsty Constituency area in 2023/24.
Councillor McCartney enquired about the new localities staffing structure and the specific Parish Liaison Officer roles. In response Mr Jenkinson would refer the enquiry back to Rachel Joyce, the Assistant Chief Executive, Local Engagement and Mark Codman, who was the recently appointed Parish Liaison and Local Devolution Manager.
Councillor Poskitt commented about the Inspire Grants and what more could be done to inform communities about the existence and criteria for this grant funding source.
Another Member commented about the level of on-going support being given to families who had hosted Ukrainian families in their homes.
The Area Constituency Committee was informed about:
· The Core Stronger Communities Programme Update including the work of Community Anchor Organisations (CAOs), Inspire Grants; Community Partnerships and Capacity Building;
· Broader Community work including holiday activities and food programme; household support fund; North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund (NYLAF); food insecurity; broader cost of living activity; homes for Ukraine programme; UK Shared Prosperity Fund; digital inclusion and health and well-being.
· Specific progress in the Selby and Ainsty Constituency area; and
· Future arrangements – Localities Restructure.
Resolved –
(a) That the Committee thanks Mr Jenkinson for presenting the report and progress of the Stronger Communities Programme in 2023/24 and that he notes the ACC’s comments and feedback as outlined at this meeting thereon; and
(b) That an annual update on the activity of the localities service be provided to the ACC (next update June, 2025)
Let's Talk Food - Survey Feedback To receive a report and presentation of the Corporate Director, Health and Adult Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: Angela Crossland, Head of Healthier Lives, Community and Economy; Ruth Everson, Public Health Manager, Public Health Team (Via MS Teams) presented the report and presentation.
The report and presentation summarised the feedback received following the Let’s Talk Food survey. The survey was part of the ongoing Let’s Talk programme which provided a portal for residents to respond to a range of surveys; the Let’s Talk Food survey ran between 5 February and 2 April, 2024 receiving 2,053 responses, including 142 from Selby and Ainsty. The survey’s background, key findings, and limitations were summarised, along with next steps, which would be publish the report by the end of June, 2024. The ACC was informed for information purposes, the next “Let’s talk” campaign would be on waste and commence around July, 2024.
Members thanked officers for the presentation.
Councillor Warneken expressed the view that as a Council we should lead by example and that we currently had swimming baths and leisure centres that sold junk food and we needed to address that issue. He added he was also acutely aware people do not like being told what they like to eat. He added that as Elected Members, all Member should champion healthier eating and lead by example. Angela Crossland responded that as a Council we had a lot of influence over how we feed the people we support such as in our schools and care homes and were looking at procurement methods. The links to junk field in areas of deprivation was also highlighted.
Councillor McCartney commented on the benefits of allotments and people growing their own food products. Councillor Grogan added his support to allotments initiative and mentioned the Incredible Edible initiative.
Councillor Duckett commented on families with disabled persons in the household and how they were impacted and supported and whether any influence could be put on the major supermarkets around food offers.
Councillor Poskitt told of the impact of FEAST with children and food. She mentioned working with supermarkets and waste food. Need more positive dialogue with children regarding food. She also commented of getting specific food requested as supplied from companies such as Hello Fresh and Gusto
Councillor Packham commented it tended to be more affluent people who tended to be able to eat healthier. He also commented on food banks and food waste issues and mentioned community fridges which were a positive initiative in some communities.
Councillors outside the Selby and Ainsty Area could join the proposed visit to the regenerative farming trials.
Councillor Jabbour, who was in attendance, with the Chair’s permission enquired whether NYC Councillors outside of the Selby area could join the proposed visit to regenerative farming trials? Angela Crossland responded yes in response to his enquiry.
Angela Crossland and Ruth Everson responded to the ACC’s comments and concerns and welcomed Members feedback on the survey findings and the discussion at today’s meeting.
That the report and Members feedback thereon be noted.
ACC - £50k Seed funding Pot for Economic Development Report of the Corporate Director, Community Development.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Sarah Fenwick, Regeneration & Economic Project Manager; and Julian Rudd, Head of Service, Economic Development and Regeneration presented a report updating the Committee on the status of project ideas for the Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund.
The Chair (Cllr Davis) had also circulated a written note to the ACC at the start of this meeting that she had previously submitted to the ACC Member Working Group meeting when it had considered potential schemes to support and were subject to discussion at this meeting.
Sarah Fenwick outlined the salient points in the report and provided an update following the call for project ideas under the Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund (“the fund”). The completed project scoping forms for the three proposed priority projects were submitted which sought the endorsement of the ACC. Agreement was also sought as to which other project ideas to take forward for possible support through the fund.
Councillor Paraskos enquired whether anything was considered for Ainsty? The Chair stated that extensive discussions were undertaken at the working group about potential projects and locations, but it was recommended that the projects would be centred around the three centres of Sherburn, Tadcaster and Selby, however the proposal for the village cinema had not yet determined where these would be located as yet. He also enquired about on-going costs for schemes. In response Sarah Fenwick said any future costs for projects approved would be capitalised where possible.
There was a lengthy discussion and differing Member views as to the priority projects to support. Whereas support for the scheme, Village Cinema – provision of cinema facilities (projector, screen and blackout blinds) for two village communities to be determined - £20k was supported; alternate views were put forward regarding the proposed digital displays for six bus stops (£10k each). It was agreed that as a way forward only the four units for Selby be supported (total £40k) and the other £20k be reallocated to Project A, Interactive towns and specifically towards funding a heritage study survey.
That the Committee:
i) endorse the Project Scoping Forms for the following projects:
1) Interactive Towns (total £40k), including the re-allocation of £20k from the Real Time Bus Information budget for a heritage study survey; 2) Real Time Bus Information (four units for Selby only – total £40k); 3) Village Cinemas (total £20k).
ii) request that the agreed Scoping Proformas are presented to the Corporate Director (Community Development) for the relevant projects to be funded from the Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee budget allocation.
(Councillor McCartney left the meeting at this juncture)
New Free Send School - Selby Minutes: Further to the written report on progress by Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources provided to the April, 2024 meeting of the ACC, the following further update was provided: “ Following the conclusion of the planning committee meeting in April all conditions have now been agreed including, specifically, the cladding colour for the new school. The Council expects that a decision notice will be published on Friday 7th June, 2024 following the agreement of the conditions. It is anticipated that there will be some communications via the Department for Education through local media outlets following the conclusion of the General Election period regarding the expected delivery programme and opening date for the new school”. Resolved:-
That the report be noted.
Bus Travel - Update Minutes: Andy Clarke, Public and Community Transport Manager, North Yorkshire Council provided the following bus travel update:
There were no current confirmed changes to local bus services in the Selby area, however it was understood that there would be some minor timetable changes to Arriva services expected to take place from the end of July, 2024 and full details of those would be available on the Council website nearer the time.
The ACC was also informed that North Yorkshire Council had been allocated £3.5m of Network North BSIP3 grant funding to improve bus services. Proposals for this were approved by the Executive on 19th March, 2024 and projects would be delivered from this summer onwards. The Department for Transport had indicated that there should be future years of BSIP funding but this was now unlikely to be confirmed until after the General Election on 4th July, 2024.
Members welcomed the allocation of this funding and look forward to receiving more details on how bus services would be improved at future ACC meetings.
That the report be noted.
Changes to Parliamentary Boundaries - Impact on the Area Constituency Committee (ACC) Verbal update. Minutes: As requested by the ACC, Paul Preston, the lead Democratic Services Support Officer to the Committee had sought an update on the changes to Parliamentary boundaries and the impact this would have on Area.
The following update response had been provided by Daniel Harry, the Council’s Head of Democratic Services and Scrutiny: “There were still discussions underway on what the preferred options could be, and that a range of options were being considered by the Executive and senior officers.
That the update report be noted.
Purpose of the report: To ask Members to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s work programme.
Additional documents: Minutes: Work Programme
Considered –
The report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) providing a Work Programme for Members to consider, develop and adapt.
A Member requested that the newly created York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayor or nominee from the Mayor’s Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning be invited to attend a future meeting of the ACC to outline their work and future plans.
Paul Preston, the lead Democratic Services Support Officer added that an informal work programming session would be held in July, 2024 to develop the ACC’s work programme for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
Resolved –
(i) That consideration be given to the use of a variety of meetings to assist with delivery of the Work Programme;
(ii) That further consideration also be given as to the items to be considered at the forthcoming work programme session.
Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman should, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency Minutes: None.
The meeting concluded at 12.30pm