
Strategic Planning Committee - Thursday, 30 January 2025 10.30 am

Venue: Scarborough Town Hall, St Nichloas Street, Scarborough, YO11 2HG

Contact: Stephen Loach, Democratic Services  Tel: 01609 532216 Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2024 pdf icon PDF 179 KB


Declarations of Interest


ZF24/00333/RG3 - Works to the West Pier and the buildings on it, comprising: Extension and change of use of Building 1 public toilets (sui-generis), offices (Class E(g)(i) and artist's studios (sui-generis) to form restaurant (Class E(b)). Change of use of Building 2 first floor Café storage (Class E(b)) and part of office (Class E(g)(i)) to form artist's studios (sui-generis) and gallery (Class E(a)). Alterations to Building 3, and change of use of part of industrial/storage (Class B2/B8) within, to form retail (Class E(a)) unit and enlarged Café (Class E(b)). Demolition of Building 4 (storage/warehouse) and Building 5 (bait sheds). Erection of bait shed (new Building 4). Demolition of existing retail kiosks (Building 6) fronting Foreshore Road. Erection of retail kiosk (Class E(a)), public toilets (sui generis) and sub-station (sui-generis) building (new Building 7). Alterations to public realm including realignment of parking facilities to provide 81 public car parking spaces which pdf icon PDF 423 KB


ZF24/00334/LB - Application for Listed Building Consent in relation to works to the West Pier and the buildings on it, comprising: Building 1 - external repairs; external and internal alterations; demolition of lean-to outbuilding, stone steps, stone balcony and balustrade; erection of plant room, storage extension and glazed extension with balcony above. Building 2 - external repairs; external and internal alterations. Building 3 - external repairs; demolition of external stairs and balcony; external and internal alterations. Demolition of buildings 4, 5 & 6. Erection of 1no. three storey building and 1no. single storey building. Resurfacing pier. Formation of access road and pedestrian routes. Installation of street furniture and creation of car parking at West Pier, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, on behalf of North Yorkshire Council pdf icon PDF 277 KB


NY/2023/0062/ENV - Planning application for a lateral southern extension to work and process limestone utilising the existing quarry access, wheel wash, workshop, staff facilities and weighbridge, mobile plant, construction of soil storage bunds, amenity planting and restoration to agriculture on land at Whitewall Quarry, Welham Road, Norton on Derwent pdf icon PDF 950 KB

Additional documents:


NY/2023/0195/ENV - Planning application for the consolidation of existing mineral extraction, inert construction waste recycling, and ancillary uses (concrete batching, workshop, offices, messroom), utilising the quarry access and mobile plant with restoration to agriculture and nature conservation including the importation of soil on land at Whitewall Quarry, Welham Road, Norton on Derwent pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chair should be, by reason of special circumstances, considered as a matter of urgency.