
Strategic Planning Committee - Tuesday, 12 September 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Northallerton

Contact: Stephen Loach tel 01609 532216/email 

No. Item


Chair's welcome, introductions and apologies


Minutes of the meeting held on 8th August 2023 pdf icon PDF 153 KB


Declarations of Interest


Site Visits - Monday 11th September 2023 - Commencing at 10am pdf icon PDF 374 KB

10.00am - Application No. ZC23/01168/DVCMAJ - Rudding Park, Follifoot, Harrogate, HG3 1JH


11.30am - Application No. 23/01184/OUTMAJ - Land Adjacent to The A1(M) Between Junctions 48 And 49 Near Kirby Hill, Harrogate, YO51 9DP


ZC23/01168/DVCMAJ - Variation of conditions 5, 13, 16 and 17 of planning permission 18/00123/EIAMAJ to permit an extension in length to the proposed Motorway Service Area junction slip roads and to increase the permissible height of the eastern dumbbell roundabout to between 44.95m AOD and 46.95m AOD, plus minor amendments to the indicative design of associated infrastructure and landscape works - Land Adjacent To The A1(M) Between Junctions 48 And 49 Near Kirby Hill, Harrogate pdf icon PDF 4 MB


23/01184/OUTMAJ - Outline planning application with all matters reserved, to be implemented in phases, for: a) Demolition of the existing golf club facility, ancillary and related out-buildings, partial demolition of the later addition to the Deer Shed, and other associated structures; b) Erection of a new destination golf/country club facility to provide replacement facilities and swimming pool, club and related facilities, and associated areas; c) Erection of new tennis pavilion, outdoor tennis courts, car parking, related facilities, and associated areas; d) Provision of a family facility adjacent to the walled garden, including the provision of a children's activity centre, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, cafe, creche, and associated areas; e) Restoration works to the Walled Garden and its surrounds; f) Improvements to existing and expansion of car parking areas; g) Creation of a series of routes and walkways with associated public realm improvements; and h) Provision of building pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman should, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency