Venue: Ryedale House, Malton, YO17 7HH
Contact: Nicki Lishman 01653 638476
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Minutes for the meeting held on 23 May 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Voting record Carried by general affirmation.
Declarations of interests All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests, including the nature of those interests, or lobbying in respect of any items appearing on this agenda. Minutes: Councillor Caroline Goodrick declared a personal interest in item 4 as she was a Member of the Howardian Hills National Landscape Joint Advisory Committee and Oswaldkirk falls within the boundary of the Howardian Hills National Landscape.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Development Management – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the change of use of existing open space/playground to form additional domestic curtilage to Mulberry House. To include erection of a greenhouse and formation of tennis court with 2.75 metre high fencing and change of use of equivalent area of agricultural land to form public open space/playground for community use adjacent to Owaldkirk Village Hall. To include play equipment, timber shed, pergola and site landscaping at OS Fields 4490 and 4090, York Road, Oswaldkirk.
The application was reported to the Area Planning Committee for determination as it was considered that the number of letters of representation received raised material planning issues including the principle of development, landscape and heritage impacts and neighbouring amenity.
Presenting the report, the officer drew Members attention to:
· The location of the proposed playing field and its proximity to the village hall · Better and safer access for users · The proximity of the proposed new community facility to the village hall, which it was hoped would help sustain the village hall and provide wider benefits to the community
Several objections had been received in relation to neighbouring amenity and it was acknowledged that such a facility may cause noise and disturbance.
Consideration had been given to the position of the play equipment within the site, which would be cited in the southwest corner, the furthest point from residential properties. The North Yorkshire Police Designing Out Crime Officer had advised that the site layout plan showed that suitable distances could be achieved and were in line with Fields in Trust guidance.
Substantial planting was proposed to the north-east and eastern boundaries of the site, which would help to mitigate any noise impacts. Given the position of the equipment on the site, together with the proposed landscaping, it was not considered that the development would result in a level of disturbance that would have significant material adverse impacts on neighbouring amenity.
Mike Aherne spoke to represent the Parish Meeting.
Helen Goodman spoke in support of the application.
During consideration of the item, the Committee expressed their support for the application with particular reference to:
· The safety of users on the road to the current site · Safeguarding concerns, as the current site is very well screened · The contribution of the proposed site to the viability of the village hall
That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions listed in the report and the completion of a unilateral undertaking on terms satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority.
Voting record Unanimous
Additional documents: Minutes: It was recommended that, due to a procedural issue, this application be deferred.
Voting record Unanimous
Minutes: It was recommended that, due to a procedural issue, this application be deferred.
Voting record Unanimous
Any other items Any other items which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances. Minutes: There were no further items of business.
Date of next meeting Thursday, 18 July 2024 at 10.00am. Minutes: Thursday, 18 July 2024.