Venue: Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton YO17 7HH
Contact: Nicki Lishman. Email: 01653 638476
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To select a Member to act as Chair of the meeting. Minutes: Resolved
That Councillor Tim Grogan be elected as Chair for the meeting.
(Councillor Tim Grogan in the Chair)
Apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Disclosures of interest All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, including the nature of those interests. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Procedure for Licensing hearings Minutes: The procedure was agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Environment, the application, plus additional papers previously circulated and copies of representations from interested parties and responsible authority.
The Sub Committee heard from the applicant’s representative, the applicant and a representative of North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.
In coming to its decision, the Sub-Committee had due regard to the 4 Licensing Objectives, namely: · the prevention of crime and disorder · public safety · the prevention of public nuisance, and · the protection of children from harm. After hearing the issues, all these objectives were considered relevant. In coming to its decision, the Sub-Committee considered the application on its own merits and had due regard to the National Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and North Yorkshire Council’s Ryedale Locality Statement of Licensing Policy. The Sub-Committee heard from the applicant’s representative and representations made with regard to noise nuisance and the potential for increased crime and disorder. In considering the proposed Operating Schedule, additional conditions volunteered on behalf of the applicant, the additional conditions requested by North Yorkshire Police and agreed by the applicant; and those imposed by the Sub-Committee, the Sub-Committee was satisfied that the Licensing Objectives would not be undermined by the application. The Sub-Committee took into account that the applicant had stated that the premise would operate as a restaurant with alcohol available to diners and customers and it was not intended that the premise would operate as a vertical drinking establishment. With regards to the performance of dance in the form of belly dancing, the intention was that this would primarily be offered as part of booked functions such as christening or wedding parties, for which the venue hoped to cater. Having considered the representations made, the applicant offered additional conditions to help meet the concerns raised in those representations. With regards to fire safety the applicant acknowledged that they would require the appropriate Building Regulations approval for the works that were to be carried out at the premises. They further acknowledged that perhaps their various required applications were not made in the usual order but confirmed that the appropriate Building Regulations applications would be made. The applicant’s agent acknowledged the concerns of the Fire Officer present and discussed which measures would be required. The applicant offered a condition stating that no licensable activities would take place until the premises satisfied the fire safety requirements. Members were satisfied that the above measures taken by the applicant supported the Licensing Objectives. The Sub-Committee took into account the representations made to them by residents living near the premises, with regard to potential disturbance from noise and the potential for increased crime and disorder. The Sub-Committee also noted that, regarding the licensing objectives for the prevention of crime and disorder, no representations from North Yorkshire Police, as the responsible authority, had been received. No representations had been received from the Local Authority regarding the prevention of public nuisance. Having carefully considered the representations before them; the Sub-Committee was ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |