Meeting documents

Scarborough - Council
Monday, 7th November, 2022 2.00 pm

No. Item

Mayor's Opening Remarks

The Mayor invited all those present to stand in silence as a mark of respect following the recent deaths of ward member for Scalby and former Mayor, Hazel Lynskey and former councillor, Bob Stead.




Declarations of interests pdf icon PDF 81 KB


There were no declarations of interest.




Apologies for Absence


See above.




Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 5 September 2022 to be read or taken as read as the case may be pdf icon PDF 566 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2022 be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




Public Question Time

Public questions of which due notice has been given and which are relevant to the business of the meeting.



There were no public questions.




To consider any announcements by the Chief Executive


There were no announcements.




Reports on Urgent Decisions in accordance with Access to Information Rule 16 and Schedule 3 - Scheme of Delegation to officers, para 4.1(v)


Parish Order - temporary appointment of a councillor (Fylingdales Parish Council) - 23 September 2022 (22/211) pdf icon PDF 111 KB


RESOLVED that the urgent decision be noted.




Any reports going direct to Council


Appointment of Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To note the decision of the Appointments Committee dated 10 October 2022 (minutes attached).



The Mayor took the opportunity to wish Mr Edwards well in his new role as Interim Chief Executive.

RESOLVED that the decision of the Appointments Committee dated 10 October 2022 be noted.




Changes to the membership of committees pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To consider the report of the Director (LD) (Reference 22/216) attached


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report by the Director (LD) (Reference 22/216) in respect of changes to the membership of the Council’s committees.

RESOLVED that the Council:

(i)            Notes the revised political composition of the Council as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report;

(ii)          Approves the revised membership of the Council’s committees as set out in Appendix A of this report; and

(iii)         Approves the extension of Dr Jim Brace’s term as a co-optee on the Audit Committee until the dissolution of Scarborough Borough Council on 1 April 2023.



To ensure the good governance of the Council.




To receive a statement by the Leader and deal with any questions arising from that statement. pdf icon PDF 184 KB


Councillor Siddons presented his Leader’s statement.  Councillor Chatt expressed his extreme disappointment at the withdrawal of the developer’s offer to build a four star hotel on the site of the former indoor swimming pool in Scarborough and at the closure of the Star in the Harbour restaurant in Whitby which he understood the owners had attributed to this Council, and queried why members had not been informed sooner about both these developments, instead of finding out on social media.  Following an adjournment of the meeting because of disturbance in the public gallery, the meeting was resumed and the Leader undertook to provide Councillor Chatt with a written reply to his question.  Councillor Siddons also undertook to provide a written reply to Councillor Atkinson’s request for an update on the Cavendish & Gloucester development on Royal Albert Drive, Scarborough.




To receive statements from each of the Cabinet Members and deal with any questions arising from those statements. pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Colling presented her statement as Portfolio Holder for Inclusive Growth.  There were no questions.


Councillor Donohue-Moncrieff presented her statement as Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability.  Updating her statement, Councillor Donohue-Moncrieff advised that the installation of electric vehicle chargepoints was expected to begin the following week, and a recording of the recent event to showcase the new Local Area Energy Plan was now available to share with members.  In reply to members’ questions, the Portfolio Holder advised that two electric vehicle chargepoints had been approved for Robin Hood’s Bay and through officers, the Portfolio Holder would provide Councillor Mortimer with an update on the Robin Hood’s Bay coastal defence project.  Councillor Donohue-Moncrieff undertook to provide Councillor Nock with a written response to his question as to how many properties had benefited to date from the Council’s seagull property proofing scheme and how much had been spent on the scheme.  The Portfolio Holder commented that there was no evidence for Councillor Nock’s contention that since the cessation of the gull disruption and dispersal programme, gull numbers and public nuisance had increased.  She maintained that there was no miracle solution to gull public nuisance – there were limits to what the Council could do and factors outside the Council’s control - but through regular involvement of the overview and scrutiny function, the Cabinet had sought members’ views and input on a difficult issue which tended to polarise public opinion, whilst seeking to strike the right balance in managing the problem through a variety of different measures including gull proofing buildings.


Councillor Grieve presented his statement as Portfolio Holder for Quality of Life.  Councillor Atkinson put a question in respect of the bike track at Scalby Beck in his ward.  The question and the Portfolio Holder’s reply are set out below:

Q: Two years ago I was contacted by residents in the Scholes Park area of the Northstead Ward about noise and anti-social behaviour emanating from the Scalby Beck.  On further investigation I identified that extensive ground works had been carried out at the beck and a bike track had been built and was in use.  As I understand it the land is owned by the council, who have not given permission for this work to be carried out and which is therefore an illegal act.  Since then, these activities have increased causing much disturbance to the residents whose properties back on to the beck.  Although these activities and the problems have increased and the details of which have been regularly been issued to the council, as far as I am aware the council has taken no action at all to address the residents’ complaints and the problems suffered, including vehicle noise, unauthorised camping, fires and adverse effect on wildlife.  Could I ask why the council has not fulfilled its responsibility in maintaining the land properly and assisting the residents in the problems they have been facing?


A: I am familiar with the unauthorised bike track referred to and know that for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


To receive statements from each of the Chairs of the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees and deal with any questions arising from those statements pdf icon PDF 317 KB

Additional documents:


The Council received both Chairs’ statements.  Councillor Jeffels, Chair of the Lives and Homes Overview and Scrutiny Committee echoed Councillor Carl Maw’s praise and thanks to members and witnesses at the scrutiny enquiry day on the cost of living crisis held on 26 October 2022 which he had chaired.  He noted too that the final year of the Mayor’s Community Fund had been inundated with funding applications which far exceeded the funds available.  He therefore encouraged members to use their locality budgets to support these organisations.  In reply to a question, he confirmed that his committee had endorsed the officers’ recommendations in respect of the Better Homes Joint Venture partnership.  The report would now be considered by the Cabinet and then onto the County Council Executive for final approval in accordance with Section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.


Councillor Coulson, Chair of the Places and Futures Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that the Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd had responded favourably to his request for a meeting following the O&S Committee’s consideration of the BID at its meeting on 31 August.  He confirmed that he and the Vice-Chair would be involved in the initial meeting which may be opened up to a wider group of councillors in due course.




To receive Minutes of the Council's Executive and Committees published since Council last met and appended hereto.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings be received.



Council 20221107 Q&As for publication with minutes pdf icon PDF 289 KB