Meeting documents

Scarborough - Licensing Sub-Committee
Monday, 15th March, 2021 10.00 am


Contact: Christine Armitage, Electoral and Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for this meeting.


RESOLVED that Councillor Stewart Campbell be elected Chair of this meeting.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a disclosable pecuniary, prejudicial or other (personal) interest to declare in any items on this agenda.  Details of any interest must be declared at the start of the meeting or as soon as any interest becomes apparent during the meeting.  The attached form must also be completed. Any advice required should ideally be sought before the day of the meeting.



There were no declarations of interest.



Exclusion of the Public

To consider the following motion:-

"whether under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public should be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the ground(s) that it/they involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information (as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act).  Any such decision is subject to a public interest test as provided by paragraph 10 of Schedule 12A of the Act."




There was no application for the exclusion of the public.



Application for the Grant of a New Premises Licence - Eyres Convenience Store, 33 Scalby Road, Scarborough, YO12 5PZ pdf icon PDF 250 KB

To consider a report of the Environment and Regulation Manager (Reference 21/46) attached.

The report seeks the determination by the Licensing Sub-Committee of an application for the grant of a premises licence where one or more relevant representations has been received.



The Licensing Sub-Committee considered a report of the Environment and Regulation Manager (Reference 21/46).  In addition to the afore-mentioned report the Sub-Committee had sight of, the application, the representations and the additional information supplied by the applicant.  Following consideration of all matters before them the Sub-Committee:-

RESOLVED that the Licence be Granted for the following activity:-





Hours granted


Sale of alcohol (for consumption off the premises only)

Monday to Sunday 09.00 – 22.00


The licence will be subject to the following conditions:-


a)  General

1.     Staff training shall be recorded and updated every 6 months. Training records must be updated within 7 days of training taking place.

2.     All new staff must be trained in respect of the sale of alcohol prior to commencing their employment duties.

3.     Training shall cover the requirements for ID as part of age verification and areas relevant to any staff members’ responsibilities regarding the licensing act 2003

4.     The documented staff training programme shall be provided to all members of staff at the premises in respect of the retail sale of alcohol, age verification policy, conditions attached to the premises licence, permitted licensable activities, the licensing objectives and opening times for the venue.

5.     Records should be kept for a minimum of one year to show the   training that has been undertaken (for the avoidance of doubt, the one year relates to each respective entry in the log book and runs from the date of the particular entry).


b)   The prevention of crime and disorder

1.     There shall be a suitable colour digital cctv recording system installed at the premises.

2.     The system must be capable of providing 30 days recording.

3.     The images recorded are to be retained for 30 days and made available to the police or other enforcement agencies within 48 hours of request and in line with data protection legislation. dvd/usb copies of relevant footage to be provided to the police or other enforcement agencies at no cost.

4.     The CCTV system shall be checked on a regular basis to ensure it is working in line with the requirements of the licence, any failure to be rectified within 72hours.

5.     At least one person must have delegated authority so they are able to access the CCTV in the absence of the applicant.


c)   Public safety

1.    Adhere to legislation and covered in a) above

2.    Exit routes shall be kept clear

3.    There shall be adequate firefighting equipment


d) The prevention of public nuisance

1.    Signage shall be displayed in a prominent position on the premises requesting that customers leave quietly

2.    Litter patrols on a regular basis in relation to litter immediately outside the premises at the front.


e) The protection of children from harm

1.    The premises licence holder shall ensure that a ‘challenge 25’ policy is adopted on the premises at all times.

2.    Signage of the ‘challenge 25’ policy shall be prominently displayed on the premises.

3.    Acceptable identification accepted by the premises licence  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.