Meeting documents

Scarborough - Places and Futures Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 28th November, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: The Town Hall, Scarborough, Yorkshire

No. Item


Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a disclosable pecuniary, prejudicial or other (personal) interest to declare in any items on this agenda.  Details of any interest must be declared at the start of the meeting or as soon as any interest becomes apparent during the meeting.  The attached form must also be completed. Any advice required should ideally be sought before the day of the meeting.



Cllr Guy Smith declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 3 as he was a former pupil of Scarborough College. He also knew the Headmaster as well as three of the board of governors.

Cllr Alex Bailey declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 3 as he was a former pupil of Scarborough College.

Cllr Greene declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 3 as he was a member of Scarborough College Old Students Association.

Cllr Riley declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 3 as he was secretary to Scarborough Civic Society which as an organisation had discussed the matter.



Public Question Time

Public questions of which due notice has been given and which are relevant to the business of the committee.



One public question was received in relation to item 3 of the agenda, Disposal of the Former Sports and Tennis Centre. The question and answer are detailed below:-

Question 1: Mr Adrian Perry

"We give guarded support for the possible sale of the listed Pavilion. We use the word guarded because Scarborough College are the owners of another listed tennis pavilion on the Bramcote site which they have consistently neglected. The Civic Society has brought this to people’s attention over several years; most recently in 2021 when the following comment about the Bramcote tennis pavilion was made by an SBC Officer:  comments by, Stephen Gandolfi, Conservation Officer – January 2021." I note the Scarborough Civic Society has raised concern regarding the condition of the former pavilion and whilst this matter falls outside of the consideration of this planning application, it is certainly something the Local Planning Authority is aware of and will address independently."


Almost two years later and still nothing has been done to bring the Bramcote tennis pavilion back from further dereliction. Historic England’s listing states: "a very early and rare surviving purpose-built lawn tennis pavilion dating to the earliest days of the modern sport, and therefore one of the earliest surviving lawn tennis buildings in the world"

Because of this we question the selling of another historic grade II tennis pavilion to an organisation which doesn’t appear to have any regard for the maintenance of such property.


In the Brief it states one of the aims is: Sustainable redevelopment of the Filey Road site with ultra-low-density residential development. It’s clear that 24 homes on this site is not in keeping with the low density of the Conservation Area. Most of the buildings are three storeys and very close together. If you look at the drawings showing the existing properties in the conservation area you can see that there would be room for around 6 properties not 24.

So my question is how can 24 houses clustered in one part of this site be considered ultra low-density ?"


"The Council will seek all the necessary reassurances, commitments and obligations surrounding the need to repair and upgrade the listed pavilion from the proposed purchaser of the Sport Centre buildings and Grade 2 listed pavilion as part of its conditions of sale.  Notwithstanding this Historic England and the Planning Authority have additional powers through the Planning process and via Listed Building Consent to ensure the works to the pavilion are both appropriate and timely.  At worst case, the new owners could be served with an ‘Urgent works notice’ if the building is seen to be under threat or unsafe requiring the new owner to implement emergency works.

The number of units proposed for the site (24No) is significantly less than the previous planning application (March 2019) which proposed 42 units.  The latest development brief aims to respond to the earlier concerns by the Planning Authority and  Historic England regarding the density, plot sizes and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Pre Decision Scrutiny - Disposal of the Former Sports and Tennis Centre pdf icon PDF 220 KB

To Consider the draft Cabinet report of Director (MC) (reference 22/234). Attached.

Additional documents:


The Chair invited the Head of Projects, Chris Bourne, to give his presentation as summarised below:-


Ø  Background

Ø  Development

Ø  Consultation

Ø  Site Options

Ø  Disposal Strategy

Ø  Summary of Cabinet Report

Ø  Any Questions


The Site

Ø  Located 1.5km to the south-east of Scarborough Town Centre

Ø  2.4ha in size

Ø  Situated within the Weaponness and Ramshill ward and falls within the Weaponness Conservation Area


The Officer informed the committee that there were important protections on the site as it was a conservation area. He brought into focus the red line boundary that delimited the development area, and noted there were no proposals to dispose of the Bowling Club.



Ø  The site has not been in use for a number of years but was notably home of the Yorkshire Lawn Tennis Club, latterly becoming the Scarborough Sports and Tennis Centre.

Ø  Following Closure, a number of sporting facilities were replaced in the modern, fir for purpose multi-use Sports Village nearby at Ashburn Road.



Ø  Weaponness Character Appraisal & Management Proposals (2007) -  Records and analyses various features of the area and provides a firm basis on which development proposals in Weaponness can be assessed.

Ø  Filey Road Sports Centre Development Brief (2011) – Provides a guide to future redevelopment and considers fully planning and other related issues falling within the remit of Scarborough Borough Council.

Ø  Previous planning applications – withdrawn.

Ø  Overall the site offers a premium residential address within a conservation area of the highest quality and is ready for sensitive redevelopment…


2022 Development Brief

Ø  Council commissioned 5Plus Architects to prepare a Development Brief

Ø  Prepared in discussion with the Local Planning Authority, Conservation Officer, Historic England, Lawn Tennis Association, Sports Development Officer, Tress & Countryside Officer and NYCC Highways

Ø  Based on Local Plan (Ref BR-034)

Ø  SWOT analysis- Gains understanding of strengths, constraints, opportunities and threats

Ø  Seeks appropriate and well-considered design and conservation-lead solutions

Ø  Appraisal of previous planning applications

Ø  Aspinall Verdi employed to undertake Market Appraisal and Valuations

Ø  Currently in draft form as the proposals are being shaped…


Stakeholder Engagement

Sports England/Lawn Tennis Association

Ø  Likely objection from Sports England if tennis facilities are not provided on or off site.

Ø  Requirement for 4 floodlit hard courts in the Council’s adopted Tennis Strategy (2019)


Historic England/Local Planning Authority

Ø  Retention of sports provision strongly encouraged by Historic England as it contributes to the sites historical significance

Ø  Historic England have no objection in principle to the conversion of the listed building.

Ø  Demolition of the grandstand is supported if the Pavilion is sympathetically re-used and an appropriate residential development is brought forward

Ø  Surface car parking to be kept to a minimum.

Ø  The built form of any development is to be respectful and mindful of the scale, form and character of the surrounding area


Design Options

Ø  A total of 4 design options have been prepared for the site, concurrent to discussions with key stakeholders

Ø  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.