Meeting documents

Scarborough - Planning & Development Committee
Thursday, 8th December, 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Scarborough Town Hall

Contact: James Mowbray, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a disclosable pecuniary, prejudicial or other (personal) interest to declare in any items on this agenda. Details of any interest must be declared at the start of the meeting or as soon as any interest becomes apparent during the meeting. The attached form must also be completed. Any advice required should ideally be sought before the day of the meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10/11/2022 (minutes attached).


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10/11/2022 be APPROVED and signed by the Chair.


Public Question Time

Public questions of which due notice has been given and which are relevant to the business of the Committee.


There were no public questions.


Planning Application - (21/01397/FL) Former Site of 79 Cross Lane, Newby 22/247 pdf icon PDF 176 KB

To consider:-



a planning application for the construction of six three bedroom semi-detached dwellings with communal off street parking/courtyard and landscaping for InHaus Group.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/247 attached).


View Plans and Documents


The Committee considered:-



a planning application for the construction of six three bedroom semi-detached dwellings with communal off-street parking/courtyard and landscaping for InHaus Group.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/247).


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Planning Application - (22/01787/HS) The Old Mill Lodge, Mill Lane, Cloughton 22/245 pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To consider:-



a planning application for the erection of two storey and single storey side extensions for Andrew & Georgina Crossley.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/245  attached).


View Plans and Documents


The Committee considered:-



a planning application for the erection of two storey and single storey side extensions for Andrew & Georgina Crossley.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/245).


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Planning Application - (22/01151/OL) Squire of Scarborough Ltd. 135-137 Victoria Road, Scaborough 22/246 pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To consider:-



an outline planning application for the proposed development of houses and flats with all matters serserved for Squires of Scarborough Ltd.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/246 attached).


View Plans and Documents


The Committee considered:-



an outline planning application for the proposed development of houses and flats with all matters reserved for Squire of Scarborough Ltd.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/246).


Updating section four of the report the Planning Officer provided the following responses received by consultees since the publication of the agenda:


Ø  Highways Authority – no objections. Would want 38 on-site parking spaces.

Ø  Lead Local Flood Authority – no objections.

Ø  Yorkshire Water – no objections.

Ø  Local Education Authority – no contributions sought.

Ø  NHS Clinical Commissioning Group – would seek in the region of £9,500.00 towards local services provisions.


In terms of the last point the Planning Officer went on to explain that, in addition to the reasons set out in the report, the application should also be refused on the grounds that the applicant would fail to provide any NHS CCG contributions.

   The Committee was of the opinion that the proposed scheme constituted an overdevelopment of the site. Some Members also expressed a desire to secure the heritage of the town, something they felt could be lost were this development to be successful.

   Following the Members debate the Head of Planning clarified that the consultation period was ongoing and that the decision would only be issued once that had ended. The Head of Planning went on to add that if any additional issues were raised in the remainder of the consultation phase officers would liaise with the Chair before issuing any decision.


RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED subject to the conditions set out in the report, with the additional reason of a failure to secure NHS CCG contributions.


Review of the Scarborough Borough Local Plan - Draft for Consultation 22/244 pdf icon PDF 346 KB

To consider:-



a report on the review of the Local Plan and proposals for the Plan’s subsequent release for consultation.


a report of the Head of Planning Services Manager (reference 22/244 attached).



Additional documents:


The Committee considered:-



a report of the review of the Local Plan and proposals for the Plan’s subsequent release for consultation.


a report of the Head of Planning (reference 22/244).


The Planning Officer’s presentation was followed by a lengthy debate regarding the merits and disadvantages of the report and the contents of the draft Local Plan. Some Members of the Committee, representing areas of Filey and Whitby, used the opportunity to register their disappointment that the Draft Local Plan did not propose the inclusion of a Primary Residence policy in response to the issue of increased second home ownership and properties used as holiday lets in the Borough. Some Members felt such properties had a disproportionate impact on this area and disproportionately impacted the ability of young people to attain a property and stay in the area. Officers responded to these comments by explaining that they fully understood that these issues existed but that the reasons for not proposing a Primary Residence policy had been set out in the report, in addition to previous reports to Members on this issues. Officers advised that the consultation offered the opportunity for interested parties to register their concerns about this matter and this will be used to inform the future North Yorkshire Council Local Plan. Officers also explained that Town or Parish councils could seek to address the matter through a Neighbourhood Plan, which would be a quicker way of seeking to implement a policy. It was stated that Whitby Town Council had recently received  confirmation that a neighbourhood area had been designated and they could now prepare a Neighbourhood Plan to seek to address this or other matters. Members also sought an amendment to the term Filey Masterplan, and noted that the term ‘Filey Vision’ ought to now be used in its place.

   Midway through the debate Councillor Mike Cockerill left the meeting and took no part in the subsequent vote.


RESOLVED that the Committee:


1.    agrees to the publication of the Draft Local Plan for public consultation.

2.    supports any substantive changes to the documents arising from Members discussions being cleared with the Chair of Planning & Development Committee and the Portfolio Holder prior to publication.

3.    notes that the review of the Scarborough Borough Local Plan is likely to be halted and work to date (up to and including the Draft Local Plan consultation process) will be used to inform the preparation of the North Yorkshire Council Local Plan.


Following the determination of the report the Head of Planning confirmed that the issues raised by the Committee in discussion would be relayed to Cabinet, then, subject to Cabinet approval, the intention would be to move to consultation in mid-January of 2023.