Meeting documents

Selby - Executive
Thursday, 11th March, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams - Remote

Contact: Palbinder Mann  01757 292207 or Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is

available for inspection at


Councillors should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary

interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not already

entered in their Register of Interests.


Councillors should leave the meeting and take no part in the

consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a

disclosable pecuniary interest.


Councillors should also declare any other interests. Having made the

declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary

interest, the Councillor may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that

item of business.


If in doubt, Councillors are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring



There were no disclosures of interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 503 KB

The Executive is asked to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2021.


The Executive considered the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4 February 2021.



To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4 February 2021 for signing by the Chair.



Veritau North Yorkshire Contract Extension 2021 pdf icon PDF 256 KB

Report E/20/37 asks the Executive for approval to extend the contract with Veritau North Yorkshire for Internal Audit, Counter Fraud, Risk Management and Information Governance services for a further 2 years to 31 March 2024.



The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources presented the report which asked the Executive for approval to extend the contract with Veritau North Yorkshire for Internal Audit, Counter Fraud, Risk Management and Information Governance services for a further 2 years to 31 March 2024.


The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources explained that the proposed extension was for two years and the Audit and Governance Committee had been consulted on the report.


The Executive praised the work done by Veritau. A request was made for more information tenancy fraud and what was being done to tackle this. It was agreed this information was to be provided.



To extend the Veritau North Yorkshire contract for Internal Audit, Counter Fraud, Risk Management and Information Governance services for a further 2 years to 31 March 2024.




To secure internal audit and associated services in accordance with the Council’s Procurement procedure Rules and current contract.



Review of Community Engagement and Funding 2021-23 pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Report E/20/38 outlines the current position in relation to Community Engagement and Funding arrangements for the Council and proposes the need to review our recovery approach to community engagement and funding during the current Coronavirus pandemic. With a Local Government Review (LGR) now in formal consultation, the report seeks to find an interim position for the Council to support local communities up until a clear direction for the Authority is developed.



The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development presented the report which outlined a review of community engagement and funding for 2021-23.


The Executive discussed the proposals and stated that the Council should adopt a similar approach to North Yorkshire County Council which was individual ward Members getting a locality budget. It was suggested there should be a minimum spending limit of £300 with the opportunity for Members to pool resources together to fund larger initiatives.


The Executive agreed to give delegated authority to the Director of Economic Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development to formulate the detailed proposals of the new arrangements. It was also agreed that discussions would be held regarding the Community Engagement Forum funding from the current financial year.



i)                To recommend to Council that the Community Engagement Forum procedures be removed from the Constitution.


ii)             To delegate responsibility for the development of the Member Community Fund to the Director of Economic Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development.


iii)           To ask the Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development to work with members to consider how the underspend from Community Engagement Forums from 2020/21 could be used and to bring back ideas relating to this to a future Executive meeting.




To provide an interim solution to enable Elected Members to engage with our communities in response to, and recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. To provide Members with time to consider longer-term plans in line with the Local Government Review implementation planning process (anticipated 2021-2023).



Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 3 - 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 310 KB

Report E/20/39 outlines the quarterly Corporate Performance Report which provides a progress update on delivery of the Council Plan 2020-2030 as measured by a combination of progress against priority projects/high level actions; and performance against key performance indicators (KPIs).





Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council presented the quartley Corporate Performance Report which provideD a progress update on delivery of the Council Plan 2020-2030 as measured by a combination of progress against priority projects/high level actions; and performance against key performance indicators (KPIs).


The following discussion took place:


·         With regard to housing repairs, it was noted that this continued to be difficult due to Covid.


·         There had been positive work regarding green spaces and the visitor economy.


·         In respect of the Digital Strategy, it was noted that there had been delays to projects associated with digital workforce and digital customers due to the relevant staff having to work on areas such as Covid grants.


·         The Executive noted the positive work with empty properties and the turnaround of business grants relating to Covid.



To note and approve the report.




The reporting of performance data enables the Council to demonstrate progress on delivering the Council Plan Priorities to make Selby District a great place.




Places and Movement Study pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report E/20/40 seeks the Executive’s agreement to undertake a public consultation on the draft proposals within the Places and Movement Study that is being undertaken for Selby, Sherburn and Tadcaster, in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, and jointly funded by the York and North Yorkshire LEP.



The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development presented the report which sought the Executive’s agreement to undertake a public consultation on the draft proposals within the Places and Movement Study that was being undertaken for Selby, Sherburn and Tadcaster, in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, and jointly funded by the York and North Yorkshire LEP.


The Executive noted that the study would identify proposals for easy movements through the town centres in the district and were supportive of the proposals.


A query was raised regarding the outline plans for Sherburn and it was agreed a response would be provided on this.



i)     To note the progress made on the Places and Movement Study, and the emerging proposals;


ii)    To agree to seek views regarding the options for improvements to places and movement through a joint public consultation exercise in April / May 2021 with North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC).


iii)  To agree to consider responses to the public consultation and to finalise the Study at a future Executive meeting in Summer 2021.




This joint study (with NYCC and with funding from the York and North Yorkshire LEP) will identify a range of proposals to enhance the town centres in Selby District and improve how, vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists move through them. The projects identified by the Study will be an important aspect of the Council’s work with NYCC and the LEP to make sure our centres become even more appealing. The identified projects will be the subject of future funding bids and we will seek to deliver these improvements in partnership over the forthcoming years.


Public consultation, planned for April 2021, will ask for views of the public and key stakeholders regarding the draft proposals for interventions to highway infrastructure and public realm, with the key objective to improve our town centres as places to visit, live, work and spend leisure time. Consultation will allow the proposals to be refined to take account of a range of residents, businesses and other key stakeholder views, and to select preferred options, before a final study report is produced in May / June 2021. It will also ensure that future decisions regarding the proposals and related projects by this Council and NYCC can be made with the benefit of community and business input and other key stakeholders.