Meeting documents

Selby - Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 25th March, 2021 5.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams - Remote

Contact: Victoria Foreman  Email: or 01757 292046


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor S Shaw-Wright.



Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Councillors should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not already entered in their Register of Interests.


Councillors should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Councillors should also declare any other interests.  Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the Councillor may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Councillors are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.



There were no disclosures of interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 144 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 25 February 2021.



The Committee considered the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2021.



To approve the minutes of the Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 25 February 2021 for signing by the Chair.



Chair's Address to the Scrutiny Committee


There was no Chairs address to the Committee.


Housing Repairs Delays - Presentation

As resolved at full Council on 18 February 2021, the Committee are asked to receive information about delays to housing repairs in the District.



The Committee received a detailed presentation from the Head of Operational Services and the Property Services Manager, which explained the process involved in the repair and maintenance of the housing stock within the District, the Council’s day to day repairs policy which followed government guidance, the Covid risk assessments undertaken, along with an overview of the current data on the backlog of housing repairs.


The Committee was informed that the Council were responsible for responsive day to day repairs, bringing void properties back up to standard, and a housing improvement programme.  It was explained that there were three categorises of repairs, emergency repairs which were required to prevent a serious risk to health and safety, these would be carried out within 24 hours; urgent repairs, those that required attention but were no risk to health and safety, these would be carried out within 5 days; and finally, non-urgent repairs which would have little effect on the property and would be carried out within 25 days.


The Head of Operational Services further explained that the area of most concern was the day-to-day repairs, as a backlog had arisen due to the Covid pandemic.  During the first lockdown in March 2020 only emergency repairs had been undertaken; urgent and routine repairs were put on hold, and void works continued but under strict ‘social distancing’ guidelines.  Members heard that from July until the second lockdown in November 2020 the number of outstanding repairs had been reduced, however following the implementation of further lockdowns, non-urgent repairs were once again suspended.


Members noted that of the 15,754 repairs raised since April 2020, 1,383 day to day repairs were outstanding: these related to 924 properties.


The Committee raised concerns again around housing repairs, which it was felt were not being undertaken in a timely manner. 


Members had a number of queries about the housing repair delays, in relation to what percentage of the housing repair team were Council trades staff as opposed to private sub-contractors, it was confirmed that there was a mix of both Council staff and contractors, which depended on the nature of the job, and the volume and scale of the work involved.  It was further confirmed that the Council repairs team were mainly joiners and plumbers and consisted of 20 staff, however some members of the team were shielding or on amended duties due to medical conditions.


In terms of the urgent and non-urgent repairs it was queried if the Council would use a mixture of Council staff and contractors to complete the work, Members heard that, yes, a mix of staff would be used as once the property had been inspected the repair required could require more substantial work than when first reported by the tenant.


Members acknowledged that during the first lockdown repair work ceased while risk assessments were adapted, and having come out of lockdown, repair work re-commenced, and the number of repairs reduced significantly.


It was queried why with the implementation of further lockdowns the non-urgent repairs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.


Corporate Performance Reports Quarter 2 and Quarter 3 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 389 KB

The Scrutiny Committee are asked to receive the Quarter 2 and Quarter 3 Corporate Performance reports for 2021-22.


The Quarter 2 report was deferred at the Committee’s previous meeting in February 2021 for consideration at this meeting in March 2021.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the two reports of the Head of Business Development and Improvement which asked Members to consider and comment on the performance information contained in the reports.


Members noted that the quarterly corporate performance reports provided a progress update on delivery of the Council’s Plan 2020-2030 as measured by a combination of: progress against priority projects/high level actions; and performance against KPIs. The first report covered Quarter 2 (July to September), and the second report covered Quarter 3 (October to December).


The Committee’s attention was drawn to appendix C of the Quarter 3 report which provided an update on the newly agreed Council Delivery Plan, this reported the first Quarter after the Plan had been agreed. 


The Officer gave an overview of the Quarter 3 report, and Members noted that 56% of KPIs reported were showing improvement over the longer term, and 68% of KPIs reported were on target.



To note the Corporate Performance Reports for Quarter 2 (July to September), and Quarter 3 (October to December).




Financial Results and Budget Exceptions Report to 31 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 387 KB

The Scrutiny Committee are asked to receive the Quarter 3 Financial Results and Budget Exceptions report for 2021-22.


Additional documents:


The Committee received the report from the Head of Finance which asked Members to consider the content of the report and make any comments on the Council’s financial results and budget exceptions.


Members noted that a return was completed each month for the Government detailing the latest forecasts of the impacts of Covid-19 to include additional costs, delayed savings and income losses. The latest return estimated losses as a result of Covid-19 of £2,963k in 2020-21 split between the General Fund (£2.485m), and HRA (£478k). To date the Council had received £1,168k emergency Covid-19 funding from the Government, of which £350k had been allocated to the HRA; and a further tranche of Covid-19 emergency funding was expected.


The Committee were informed that at the end of Quarter 3, the forecast full year revenue outturn showed a £197k deficit in the General Fund, and a HRA surplus of £3,938k for transfer to the Major Repairs Reserve.


Members noted that as a consequence of Covid-19, a revised budget was approved at Full Council on 22 September 2020, and the Quarter 3 outturn forecasts were reported against the revised budget.


Officers explained that the streetscene service was reporting an overspend for the year of £83k. This was primarily due to the costs associated with increased levels of waste and recycling as a result of increased levels of people working from home, and the new bin system. This had resulted in a £216k increase in disposal charges.  


Members noted that recycling income had also increased with higher volumes, but recycling income per tonne for card and paper continued to reduce, therefore the income had increased by less than the cost at £133k. In addition, car parking footfall had fallen more than expected with a 33% reduction in October and 51% in November following reintroduction of charging £44k.


In terms of the HRA, Members heard that the latest forecast showed a £3,938k surplus was expected by the year end, which was £596k higher than the budget.


It was noted that the significantly reduced General Fund and HRA savings plans were on target to deliver as per the approved revised budget; and the capital programme showed forecast slippage of £1,135k, which was expected to be spent in 2021-22.


Members acknowledged that the value of the current Programme for Growth projects had increased following Council approval of new projects on the 22 September 2020, with £14,433k currently allocated to the programme from 2020-21 onwards; of which £9,861k was project costs, £4,133k resourcing costs and after allocation of £35k towards the new Bawtry Road roundabout, £403k was available for allocation to projects.



To note the Council’s financial results and budget exceptions in Quarter 3 in 2020-21.


Treasury Management - Quarterly Update Q3 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 389 KB

The Scrutiny Committee are asked to receive the Quarter 3 Treasury Management Update report for 2021-22.


Additional documents:


The Committee received the report of the Head of Finance which asked Members to consider the content of the report and make any comments on the Council’s treasury management in Quarter 3 of 2020-21.


Members noted that on average the Council’s investments totalled £74.8m up to the end of the third quarter, at an average rate of 0.57% and earned interest of £321k (£232k allocated to the General Fund; £89k allocated to the HRA) which was £85k above the year to date budget. The expected fall in cash balances and falling rate of return had been slower than initially expected when budgets were revised in Q1 based on forecast returns in the region of £260k, a budget reduction of £225k.  Latest estimates predicted returns of £331k, a surplus of £71k against the revised budget. The Bank Rate of 0.10% was expected to remain in place for at least the next two years, and a Brexit trade deal was yet to be agreed. The position would be kept under review.


Officers explained that in addition to investments held in the pool, the Council had £4.58m invested in property funds as at 31 December 2020. The funds achieved 3.60% revenue return at Quarter 2 and 2.17% capital loss as at the end of December 2020. This resulted in revenue income of £83.4k to the end of Quarter 2 and an ‘unrealised’ capital loss at the end of Quarter 3 of £101.5k. These funds were long term investments, and changes in capital values were realised when the units in the funds were sold.


Members considered and noted the report.



To note the Treasury Management Quarterly update for Quarter 3 2020-21.



Work Programme 2020-21 and Planning for 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 423 KB

To consider the Committee’s work programme for 2020-21 and the draft work programme for 2021-22.



Additional documents:


Members agreed the work programme as presented and requested that the item on housing repairs be brought back before the Committee at a date to be agreed in the future.



                    To note the 2020-21 work programme.