Meeting documents

Richmondshire - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Internal)
Thursday, 24th November, 2022 6.30 pm

Venue: Swale Room, Mercury House, Station Road, Richmond. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Tel (01748) 901016, or email

No. Item


Chairman's Announcement


Apologies for Absence


Minutes - 16 June 2022 pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2022.


Public Speaking and Question Time

To receive any requests to address the Committee or respond to any questions from members of the public. (Please see the notes for further information).  


Declarations of Interest


Tenants' Panel Update

The Tenants’ Panel to provide a verbal update on their recent work.


Performance Monitoring Briefings - Quarter 2 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 242 KB

The Chairman to present a summary from attendance at the Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring Briefings.



Task Group Update and Work Programme pdf icon PDF 130 KB

The Democratic Services Manager to provide an update on Task Groups held since the committee’s last meeting and to present the up to date work programme for 2022-2023.


Additional documents: