Meeting documents

Richmondshire - Planning Committee
Tuesday, 6th April, 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting - Zoom

Contact: Democratic Services  Tel (01748) 901016, or email

No. Item


Minutes - 2 March 2021 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2021.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2021 be signed and approved as an accurate record.


Public Speaking and Question Time

To receive any requests to address the Committee or respond to any questions from members of the public. (Please see the notes for further information)



Public statements were submitted by the following and were read out where appropriate prior to the item concerned:


(a)      Mr A Stoddard (in relation to Minute P71/20)

(b)      Mr G & Mrs L Cornish (in relation to Minute P72/20)

(c)       Mr J & Mrs J Capewell (in relation to Minute P72/20)

(d)      Mr K Ayrton (in relation to Minute P73/20)

(e)      Ms G Andrews & Mr D Henderson (in relation to Minute P74/20)

(f)        Ms D Caygill (in relation to Minute P74/20)


Copies of all public statements are available for inspection from Democratic Services.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest reported at the meeting.


Declarations of Lobbying


Councillor Lorraine Hodgson declared that she had been lobbied in relation to Minutes P71/20.


Councillors Angie Dale, Kevin Foster and Lorraine Hodgson declared that they had been lobbied in relation to Minute P72/20.


Councillors Lorraine Hodgson and Patricia Middlemiss declared that they had been lobbied in relation to Minute P74/20.


Land North of Heatherdene, Heatherdene Road, Catterick Garrison - 18/00433/OUT pdf icon PDF 670 KB

Outline Application for Residential Use of Brownfield Site for 50 Residential Units (As Amended – Revised Plans and Ecology Survey received by Richmondshire District Council on 5th July 2019; Revised Indicative Proposed Site Plan and Apartment Block Plans received by Richmondshire District Council on 16th March 2020 and a Drainage Impact Assessment received by Richmondshire District Council on 30th October 2020), Land North of Heatherdene, Heatherdene Road, Catterick Garrison – 18/00433/OUT

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.


Members raised concerns regarding a heavily used cut through across the site into Coronation Park.  Officers agreed to explore the possibility of a formal footpath connection from the site to Coronation Park with the potential for it to be included as part of the approved layout at reserved matters stage.




(a)  That delegated authority be given to the Planning Manager to grant outline planning permission for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8.1 of the report upon completion of an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to deliver:


(i)     arrangements in perpetuity for the provision of the 12 affordable apartments on site with completion phased alongside the completion of market dwellings;

(ii)    payment of an additional financial contribution to meet the full ‘policy compliant’ 40% provision.

(iii)   Arrangements for the future management and maintenance of the open space/play area to be provided as part of the development.


(b)  In addition to standard planning conditions covering matters including submission and approval of specific details of works; ensuring implementation of the development in accordance with the approved particulars and plans, etc. the following specific matters be covered by conditions imposed on the grant of this permission, including:


·           Conditions as recommended by the Highway Authority

·           Development to be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the submitted Flood Risk Assessment.

·           Details to be submitted of the design and associated management and maintenance of the surface water drainage scheme, including provision to ensure that surface water run-off from a 1 in 100 year rainfall event (including provision for climate change and ‘urban creep’) will not exceed the run off from the undeveloped site following the corresponding rainfall event. The scheme shall be supported and evidenced with percolation testing undertaking in the site to assess the possibility of infiltration as a means of disposing of surface water.

·           An assessment of risks posed by contamination (including an assessment of the risk and nay mitigation measures relating to the protection of the local water environment) to be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of development.  The development not to be occupied until the approved remediation scheme has been implemented and verified.

·           Provision for dealing with any contamination found during the course of development that was not previously anticipated.

·           Environmental Health recommended conditions, including the submission of a Construction Management Plan (CEMP), approval and implementation including a scheme for the control of noise and dust during construction works.

·           Implementation of ecological mitigation measures, including the submission, approval and implementation of a BEMP and CEMP.

·           Submission and approval of details of  ...  view the full minutes text for item P71/20


21-23 Victoria Road, Richmond - 20/00895/FULL pdf icon PDF 525 KB

Full Planning Permission to Rebuild Service Station Following Fire Resulting in Full Demolition Under Building Control Dangerous Structure Notice as Amended by Email and Revised Plans Received 24th February 2021, 21-23 Victoria Road, Richmond – 20/00895/FULL

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.






(a)   conditional planning permission be granted for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8.1 of the report; and


(b)   condition 5 relating to the opening hours of the fuel station and shop premises be amended to restrict opening to 6am – midnight Monday-Saturday and 6am – 10 pm Sunday.




Carlton Grange, Carlton - 22/00244/FULL pdf icon PDF 288 KB

Full Planning Permission for the Change of Use of Land for the Siting of Tourist Accommodation as Additional Information Received 22.1.21 (Ecology Report), Carlton Grange, Carlton – 20/00244/FULL

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.






(a)   conditional planning permission be granted for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8.1 of the report; and


(b)   delegated authority be given to officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the report, as amended in the additional documentation and update recommendations document, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the approved conditions.



77 Darlington Road, Richmond - 20/00876/FULL pdf icon PDF 612 KB

Full Planning Permission for Single Storey Side and Rear Extensions to Provide Utility, Garden Room, Kitchen Diner and Dormer Extension to Provide Two Bedrooms, 77 Darlington Road, Richmond – 20/00876/FULL

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.






(a)   conditional planning permission be granted for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8 of the report; and


(b)   delegated authority be given to officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the report, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the approved conditions.



Local Plan Review - Preferred Options Consultation pdf icon PDF 209 KB

The Planning Manager to seek approval for the Local Plan 2018 – 2039 Preferred Options Consultation to begin in April 2021.


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which sought approval for the Local Plan 2018 – 2039 Preferred Options Consultation to begin in April 2021.




That the Preferred Options Policies be recommended to Council for approval for consultation to begin in April 2021.