Meeting documents

Richmondshire - Planning Committee
Tuesday, 1st November, 2022 3.00 pm

Venue: Swale Room, Mercury House, Station Road, Richmond. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Tel (01748) 901016, or email

No. Item


Minutes - 4 October 2022 pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2022.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on […] be signed and approved as an accurate record.


Public Speaking and Question Time

To receive any requests to address the Committee or respond to any questions from members of the public. (Please see the notes for further information)



Public statements were submitted by the following and were read out where appropriate prior to the item concerned:


(a)      Samira and David Martin (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(b)      Cllr Kevin Foster (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(c)       Jeremy Perrin (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(d)      Nicola Perin (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(e)      Louisa Cameron (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(f)        Chris Greaves (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(g)      John Baldwin (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(h)      Karen Elliot (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(i)        Nicola Holdsworth (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(j)        Sarah Ansbro (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(k)       Rhiannon Evans (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(l)        Graham Berry (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(m)     James Ritchie (in relation to Minute P43/22)

(n)      Dan Gracey (in relation to Minute P44/22)

(o)      Martin Foster (in relation to Minute P44/22)

(p)      John Clare (in relation to Minute P44/22)


Copies of all public statements are available for inspection from Democratic Services.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest reported at the meeting.



Declarations of Lobbying


a)    Councillors Amsden, Dale, Hodgson and Wilson-Petch declared that they had been lobbied in relation to Minute P43/22.


b)    Councillors Amsden and Hodgson declared that they had been lobbied in relation to Minute 44/22.


Land South East of A6108 Darlington Road, Richmond - 21/00931/FULL pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Full Planning Permission for Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels and Associated Infrastructure

Additional documents:


The Planning Team Leader submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives.


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received, and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.


a)    That conditional planning permission be GRANTED for the reasons stated within section 8 of the officers’ report.


b)    That officers to consider including a condition restricting vehicle access times to avoid school start times.


c)      That delegated authority is granted to officers for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the officers’ report, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the recommended planning conditions listed in consultation with the Chair of Vice Chair. 


The Jonas Centre, Redmire - 17/00709/FULL pdf icon PDF 343 KB

Full Planning Permission for Community Building with Ancillary Offices and Six Holiday Lodges (revised details/plans dated 13th November 2017, 23rd February 2018, 3rd July 2018, 13th May 2019, 24th July 2019 and 13th November 2019)

Additional documents:


The Planning Team Leader submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives.


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received, and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.


a)    That conditional planning permission be GRANTED for the reasons stated within section 8 of the officers’ report, subject to the applicant entering into a Unilateral Undertaking in order to limit (Council vehicles, construction and emergency vehicles excluded) the size of vehicles to a maximum length of 10 metres and to prevent the reversing of any vehicle either to or from the Redmire to Wensley Road into or out of the vehicular access to the site.


b)    That officers to include a potable water condition, and update the existing noise condition to refer to maximum noise at boundaries with residential neighbours to make monitoring and enforcement, if needed, easier.


c)    That delegated authority is granted to officers for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the officers’ report, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the recommended planning conditions listed in consultation with the Chair of Vice Chair.