Meeting documents

Richmondshire - Planning Committee
Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 3.00 pm

Venue: Swale Room, Mercury House, Station Road, Richmond. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Tel (01748) 901016, or email

No. Item


Minutes - 1 November 2022 pdf icon PDF 209 KB

To confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2022.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2022 be signed and approved as an accurate record.


Public Speaking and Question Time

To receive any requests to address the Committee or respond to any questions from members of the public. (Please see the notes for further information)



Public statements were submitted by the following and were read out where appropriate prior to the item concerned:


(a)      Alec Atkinson (in relation to Minute P51/22)

(b)      Diane Baines (in relation to Minute P52/22)


Copies of all public statements are available for inspection from Democratic Services.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest reported at the meeting.



Declarations of Lobbying


There were no declarations of lobbying reported at the meeting.



Top Mains Barn, Moor Road, Bellerby - 22/00468/FULL pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Full Planning Permission for an Extension to a Barn Conversion to Create Additional Living Space for a Farmers Dwelling, Changes to Track to Enable Access to the South of the Building, New Banking to Conceal the Extension and Change of Use of Agricultural Land to Domestic

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 


A copy of additional correspondence/documentation received, and updated recommendations had been circulated prior to commencement of the meeting. 






(a)      conditional planning permission be granted for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8 of the report and contained in the updated recommendations document; and


(b)      delegated authority be given to officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the report and updated recommendations document, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the approved conditions.



Washfold Farm, Moor Road, Leyburn - 22/00183/FULL pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Full Planning Permission for Staff Offices Building, Two Agricultural Buildings, Weighbridge and Surface Water Collection/Recycling Pond

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 






(a)      delegated authority be given to the Planning Manager to grant conditional planning permission for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8 of the report, provided no objections are received as a result of the current period of additional consultation; and


(b)      delegated authority be given to officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the report, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the approved conditions.



Land South of Gough Road, Catterick Garrison - 22/00113/VAR pdf icon PDF 768 KB

Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) Attached to Planning Permission 18/00826/FULL – Amendments to Facilitate the Following Changes, Material Change, New Elevations, Boundary Changes – Garden Sizes Reduced to Accommodate Steep Levels Changes to the Entrance Requested by Planning and Highways, Variation of Approved Plans to Facilitate the above Changes

Additional documents:


Further to Minute P33/21 (7 September 2021), the Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 






(a)      the following variations to condition 1 of planning permission 18/00826/FULL be approved for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8 of the report:


(i)        Revised Landscaping Plan (SD.100.20) Rev L to be replaced by 525-GLE- SD.100.20 Rev S Landscaping Plan

(ii)       Revised Detailed Site Plan (SD.100.01) Rev M to be replaced by 525-GLE- SD.100.01 Rev T Detailed Site Plan

(iii)      Plot Drainage Sheet 1 0f 2 (STE/15/07/04/01) and Plot Drainage Sheet 2 of 2 (STE/15/07/04/02) to be replaced by 18276-D200 Proposed Drainage Plan Rev 4

(iv)      Revised Adoption Plan (SD.100.30) Rev K to be replaced by 525-GLE- SD.100.30 Rev Q Adoption Plan

(v)       Revised Boundary Treatment Plan (SD.100.10) Rev L to be replaced by 525-GLE- SD.100.10 Rev T Boundary Treatment Plan

(vi)      Construction Management Plan, November 2018 to be replaced by 1049 Construction Management Plan Rev 1

(vii)    House Type 401 (401/1G) replaced by 21-401-U-0001_Planning

(viii)   House Type 309 (309/1E) replaced by 21-309-U-0001_Planning

(ix)      House Type 307 (307/1B) replaced by 21-307-U-0001_Planning

(x)       House Type 304 (304/1E) replaced by 21-304-U-0001_Planning

(xi)      House Type 301 (301/1G) replaced by 21-301-U-0001_Planning

(xii)    House Type 202 (202/1F) replaced by 21-202-U-0001_Planning

(xiii)   House Type 201 (201/1F) replaced by 21-201-U-0001_Planning; and


(b)      delegated authority be given to officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the report, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the approved conditions; and


(c)       it be noted that as a result of this approval a fresh decision notice (numbered 22/00113/VAR) would be issued to replace the one issued on 13 December 2021 which will make clear that the 3 year implementation period runs from the date of the original decision and that the applicant would still be required to fulfil their obligations set out in the s106 agreement that has already been entered into, which would be varied to incorporate the approved variations.



Disused Saw Mill, Low Thorpe, East Witton - 22/00558/FULL pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Full Planning Permission for Conversion and Extension of Existing Traditional Stone Built Water Driven Sawmill Buildings to Form New Dwellinghouse with Construction of Associated Workshop Building

Additional documents:


The Planning Manager submitted a written report which set out details of the proposals, a description of the site and its surroundings, a summary of planning policy and planning history, details of views expressed by consultees, a summary of all the relevant planning issues and recommended planning conditions and informatives. 






(a)      conditional planning permission be granted for the reasons summarised at paragraph 8 of the report; and


(b)      delegated authority be given to officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, for the imposition of any other conditions in addition to the list of recommended planning conditions within section 10 of the report, and/or any minor amendments to the wording of the approved conditions.