The Strategic Planning Committee is
responsible for the following except where delegated to an Officer:
(a) to exercise the powers and duties of the
Council as Planning Authority in relation to all functions relating
to town and country planning and development management as
specified in, but not limited to Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities)(England) Regulations 2000 in
relation to the following matters:
Significant planning applications relating to minerals or
Significant planning applications relating to energy or physical
infrastructure accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement and
where it is intended to recommend approval.
Planning applications for more than 500 houses and where it is
intended to recommend approval.
Planning applications which are defined as a departure from the
adopted Development Plan for which the Secretary of State must be
consulted and where it is intended to recommend approval.
Planning applications where the Corporate Director of Community
Development considers the application to raise significant planning
issues or to raise significant strategic planning issues that
affect more than one area committee geography.
(b) Responses as a statutory consultee to
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project for which a
development consent order is being sought under the Planning Act