The Executive is recommended to:
i. Approve the publication of the statutory proposals and a statutory notice on 22 February 2023, proposing to pause residential provision at Welburn Hall School for a period of two academic years from September 2023.
ii. Schedule a final decision on these proposals on 18 April 2023.
Considered – Report of the Corporate Director - Children and Young People’s Service asking the Executive to consider the responses to the consultation on proposals to pause residential provision at Welburn Hall School for a period of two years, to authorise the publication of statutory proposals and to schedule taking a final decision on 18 April 2023.
County Councillor Annabel Wilkinson introduced the report, noting that the consultation undertaken had generated eighteen responses. Of there, three responses were made in support of the proposal, two disagreed with the proposal and the remainder offered a range of comments and potential concerns about how the proposals were implemented.
There being no further questions, it was
Resolved –
The Executive is recommended to:
i. Approve the publication of the statutory proposals and a statutory notice on 22 February 2023, proposing to pause residential provision at Welburn Hall School for a period of two academic years from September 2023.
ii. Schedule a final decision on these proposals on 18 April 2023.
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