Agenda item

Economic Development - Verbal Update on the Economic Development Strategy and Tourism Strategy


Considered –


            A presentation from David Caulfield, Assistant Director for Growth Planning and Trading Standards, providing Members with an update on the Economic Growth Strategy and the Destination Management Plan.


            David Caulfield gave a presentation, providing Members with an update on the economic development strategies. The following key points were raised:


-        That there are two key strategies: the Economic Growth Strategy and the Destination Management Plan (tourism strategy). The public and stakeholder consultations for these strategies are currently in progress.

-        The Economic Growth Strategy is being developed as one clear approach is required when it comes to economic development. The consultation has received positive feedback and engagement. The key challenges facing economic growth currently are; energy supply infrastructure, skills and access to labour, transport, assisting businesses to achieve net zero and the supply of sites and premises. However, opportunities for economic growth include; LGR has provided the perfect opportunity to be bold, ambitious and innovative, Covid has increased the number of remote workers who can now live rurally, there is support for growth in agri-food energy, a bioeconomy and natural capital and it is a good opportunity to support the net zero transition in agriculture. Further consultation is taking place before the Strategy goes to the Executive.

-        The Destination Management Plan (tourism strategy) has received positive feedback during the consultation period and further consultation is taking place before the Plan goes to the Executive. There has been a focus on ‘place’, ‘people’, ‘product’ and ‘data and intelligence’. The Skipton and Ripon workshops were well received with the following feedback being provided: disperse people to less known places, use gateways such as airports and ferry ports to advertise, improve wifi connectivity, improve transport, attract a younger market and extend the season. A product audit is underway to identify what stakeholders in the area have to offer.


Following the presentation, the below key points were raised in the discussion:


-        Once the strategies have been approved, a more detailed action plan will be produced. Members of the ACC will be consulted on this so that a local perspective can be integrated. The action plan should include the expected outcomes and timeframes for policies.

-        The strategies will go to the relevant Member working groups and Overview and Scrutiny Committees before being adopted.

-        A way for those visiting North Yorkshire to see what is available in the area should be produced.

-        There should be more of a focus on NYC’s ambition to reach net zero.

-        A bioeconomy and natural capital should only be aimed for where appropriate as they often contradict each other.

-        Old sites and premises should be transformed, rather than relying on building new sites.

-        North Yorkshire shouldn’t be sold as a product, but rather an experience. This should be across North, South, East and West Yorkshire and these areas should not compete.

-        There was interest in creating a separate Ripon brand.

-        Getting better connectivity for residents was a key concern.

-        The strategy should refer to working with the BIDs more.


Resolved –


a)     That the verbal update is noted.