Agenda item

Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies


The recommendations at page 44 of the agenda pack (page 38 of the Minute Book) were moved and seconded.


On a vote being taken on appointments to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel, the recommendation was declared carried with 84 for, none against and no abstentions.


There were two nominations for the role of Member Champion for Climate Change, Councillors Paul Haslam and Arnold Warneken.


It was moved and seconded that both Councillors be selected to carry out the role jointly.  On a vote being taken the motion fell with 40 votes for the motion, 43 against and there was 1 abstention.


A vote was taken on a single nomination and there were 43 votes for Councillor Paul Haslam, 38 votes for Councillor Arnold Warneken and 3 abstentions.  The Chair declared that Councillor Paul Haslam was appointed.


On a vote being taken on appointments to the Health and Wellbeing Board for North Yorkshire, the recommendation was declared carried with 84 for, none against and no abstentions.


There were two nominations for the role of Vice-Chair for the Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillors Bryn Griffiths and Stuart Parsons.


On a vote being taken there were 27 votes for Councillor Bryn Griffiths and 5 votes for Councillor Stuart Parsons.


The Chair declared that Councillor Bryn Griffiths was appointed.


A standards issue was raised in relation to the vote on the motion that the Member Champion for Climate Change role be carried out jointly. The issue was addressed later in the meeting.


Resolved -


That Council:

1.      Appoints to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel for North Yorkshire and York:


Councillors Name

Political Group


 LES, Carl













Liberal Democrat and Liberals


MAW, Rich



BURR, Lindsay

North Yorkshire Independent


2.    Appoints a Member Champion for Climate Change - Councillor Paul Haslam;

3.    Appoints to the Health and Wellbeing Board for North Yorkshire – the Executive Member for North Yorkshire Council with responsibility for Housing and Leisure and the Corporate Director for Community Development, North Yorkshire Council;

4.    Appoints a Vice-Chair for the Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Bryn Griffiths

5.    Notes the following changes to Committee membership notified by the Conservative group:

Richmond Area Constituency Planning Committee – Councillor Caroline Dickinson to be removed and Councillor Angus Thompson to be appointed in her place.


Scrutiny of Health Committee – Councillor Paul Haslam to be removed and Councillor Nick Brown to be appointed in his place.


Pension Fund Committee – Councillor Carl Les to be removed and Councillor Mark Crane to be appointed in his place.


6.    Notes the following changes to Committee membership notified by the Labour group:

Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Councillors Bob Packham to be removed and Councillor Subash Sharma to be appointed in his place.  Councillor Melanie Davis to be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Committee.


At 12:45 pm the Chairman then adjourned the meeting for lunch.


The meeting was re-convened at 1:30 pm.


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