Petition referred to the committee for consideration - Harrogate Station Gateway Opposition
Considered – Mark Codman, Democratic Services, introduced the petition stating that the petition has been referred to the Committee under the Council’s Petitions Scheme due to the number of signatories being above 500. He outlined the options that the committee had under the Petitions Scheme, as follows:
(a) to take the action requested by the petition;
(b) not to take the action requested for reasons put forward in the debate;
(c) to commission further investigation into the matter, for example by a relevant committee; or
(d) where the issue is one on which the council executive are required to make the final decision, the council will decide whether to make recommendations to inform that decision.
Mark Codman asked Richard Binks (Head of Major Projects and Infrastructure) if there was anything he would like to add or update from the information contained in the covering report.
Richard Binks covered the following:
· He apologised if residents felt they had not been listened to, he understood this project generated a lot of passion and divided opinion
· He was happy to have a 1-2-1 meeting with the member of the public who had submitted the petition
· Officers had met with the Department for Transport’s representatives in Harrogate to have a walk-around and they praised the scheme
· Discussion regarding the schemes risks and funding profile were moving forward
· Harrogate was a fantastic place to live and visit and officers were keen to uphold/improve the gateway aspect of the town
· Officers had up until this point held more consultation on this project than similar size projects but they remained happy to sit down and discuss the scheme with any group or individual
· The scheme had receive unanimous support from the Executive and work would commence for delivery, it was critically important now to demonstrate a positive face to the outside world – grant funding bodies needed to see the Council was united in delivering a successful scheme.
The Chair invited Rachael Inchboard to introduce the petition on behalf of Granville Road Area Residents Group:
Rachael Inchboard clarified that it was not just a meeting with herself but with several groups that was required. She represented Granville Road Area Residents Group and presented a petition set up against the Gateway project which was also on behalf of several groups and several hundred people currently signed by over 2 000 people. The petition was set up to oppose the Gateway scheme as town centre residents feel they have been totally ignored with regards to concerns about the negative impacts from the proposed Harrogate Gateway scheme.
The Committee has talked about air pollution and how important it is, however there has never been any support on this around the area. Town Centre residents feel that there has been a lack of any in-person consultation for residents and it is of a key significance. They have been offered a quick Zoom session online at short notice to tick boxes and residents feel this was a complete insult. It is felt that there has been massaging and presentation of data at the last meeting that has caused considerable outrage and anger, more specifically I was shocked at the completely disgraceful behaviour towards the petition at the Executive meeting on the 30th of May. It was laughed at and dismissed which surely contravenes any Democratic process. A debate was refused despite having over 2 000 signatures which is well over the 500 required for a debate. She confirmed that she had made a formal complaint specifically about this to the highways executive Keane Duncan and was still waiting for a reply.
Rachael Inchboard stated that the Council Officer who “mocked” the petition announced that he had rigorously checked it and that it proved absolutely nothing which is a complete insult to a lot of people who have signed it. More people signed this petition than took part in the online surveys with North Yorkshire Council. I believe there still are many people and businesses that are unaware of the Gateway scheme hence the relatively low response to all of our petitions and online surveys at the last public meeting in Harrogate on the 5th of May. There was very confusing information regarding the plans, had the original plans being changed? If so why hasn't there been a public consultation on these plans as they are not the same plans that were passed? There has still not been a meeting between the residents and the council in person even though this had been promised which is totally unacceptable in a democratic system. Together with this petition and all the groups involved which are Harrogate Residents Association, Granville Road Area Residents Group, the BID, the Chamber of Commerce, the Stray Defence group and Harrogate Independence, we have no confidence in the highways executive of North Yorkshire Council and their officers who are leading this project, thank you.
Following the statement Councillor Chris Aldred made the following proposal:
“ACC Members wish to take the opportunity presented by this Petition to express grave disappointment that, to date, there has been no engagement with individuals & groups who expressed concerns regarding the proposed Gateway Scheme at our Meeting on 5th May. This is despite the ACC passing a motion at that meeting asking for this to happen and receiving reassurances from the Executive Member for Highways & Transportation that it would happen.
This Committee therefore requests that a full schedule of engagement meetings is circulated to members, no later than Friday 30th June & that members of this Committee are also invited to these meetings.
In addition, the ACC further requests that, within the same timescale, Officers to set up a politically proportionate ACC Working Group (5 members) which will be charged with working with Officers and the Executive Member for Highways & Transportation, to produce a Report, to be considered by this Committee at its meeting on 14th September, which addresses the concerns raised by Residents & Organisations, as well as detailing the rigorous monitoring systems referred to in the motion passed on 5th May. (Expected impact on traffic flows, the environment, active travel take up and business in the area).”
Councillor Aldred expressed dissatisfaction that the Committee Members had not been involved so far in discussions on the station gateway, he stated that there was a meeting of officers prior to the meeting of the Committee and Members were not invited. Councillor Broadbank said that it was important that the Council looked to the future and worked towards a version of Harrogate that was future proof and worked for all. Here was an opportunity to use government money to improve the town but it was important that the Council worked alongside residents and community groups. It was therefore important that the Committee had a meaningful role in the implementation of the scheme.
Councillor Monika Slater Seconded Councillor Aldred’s proposal
Councillor Paul Haslam expressed doubts about the proposal saying that he wished to avoid duplication of the works of others. Extensive surveying and planning had been done in preparation for this scheme with a Master Plan produced in 2015/16, he was therefore unable to accept the proposal as it currently stood. Councillor Michael Harrison said he was concerned that the proposal was aimed at stopping the Gateway scheme.
Councillor Aldred said that his proposal was not designed at stopping the Gateway Scheme but just a continuation of what had been agreed by the Committee in May. He was proposing that the Working Group carry out the majority of the work assessing the implementation he did not intend to cause any extra burden on officers. Councillor Slater stated that the proposal was intended at looking at specific concerns of residents and she hoped that by doing so it would increase public support for the scheme.
On a vote on the proposal eight Members voted for and four against.
Resolved –
That the Committee agree the following to be put forward to the executive:
“ACC Members wish to take the opportunity presented by this Petition to express grave disappointment that, to date, there has been no engagement with individuals & groups who expressed concerns regarding the proposed Gateway Scheme at our Meeting on 5th May. This is despite the ACC passing a motion at that meeting asking for this to happen and receiving reassurances from the Executive Member for Highways & Transportation that it would happen.
This Committee therefore requests that a full schedule of engagement meetings is circulated to members, no later than Friday 30th June & that members of this Committee are also invited to these meetings.
In addition, the ACC further requests that, within the same timescale, Officers to set up a politically proportionate ACC Working Group (5 members) which will be charged with working with Officers and the Executive Member for Highways & Transportation, to produce a Report, to be considered by this Committee at its meeting on 14th September, which addresses the concerns raised by Residents & Organisations, as well as detailing the rigorous monitoring systems referred to in the motion passed on 5th May. (Expected impact on traffic flows, the environment, active travel take up and business in the area).”
Supporting documents: