Report of the Corporate Director – Community Development
Planning Application
The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director – Community Development Services relating to an application for planning permission. The application was recommended for refusal. Members were also provided with a photograph of the application site that had been submitted by the applicant. During the meeting, the Planning Manager referred to additional information and representations which had been received.
In considering the report of the Corporate Director – Community Development Services regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations.
2023/24786/FUL – Erection of Detached Dwelling on Site of Existing Garage, Replacement Garage at Detached Dwelling and Garage at Norwood House, Low Lane, Cowling, Keighley, BD22 0LE.
The Assistant Director – Planning - Community Development Services sought determination of an application for full planning permission to demolish an existing garage that served the Grade II Listed Norwood House and construct a detached dwelling and garage with associated curtilage, access and parking. The application had been recommended for refusal
A statement from the applicant Julian Wood, who could not attend in person, was read out by the Democratic Services Officer. Julian Wood’s statement included the following comments:
· The house would be low lying
· The design approach was of a very high standard
· The house would be highly sustainable with high levels of thermal efficiency and minimal carbon footprint.
The Committee considered the application set out in the Assistant Director Planning’s report, as well as taking into account the Planning Manager’s presentation and the applicant's representations. Whilst Members noted that the high environmental standards were admirable, these did not override the fact that it would be a development in open countryside in an isolated rural area on a quiet lane where the listed building and converted barn was the only visible property. Furthermore, the proposed development would be a departure from the up-to-date Local Development Plan. In addition, it was also noted that the Council’s independent heritage consultant considered that the impact upon the setting of the listed building was not at an acceptable level and did not comply with Local Plan Policy ENV2.
The decision:
That, planning permission be REFUSED.
The Committee agreed with the reasons for refusal put forward by the Planning Manager as set out in section 12 of the report:
1. The proposal consists of housing development within the open countryside contrary to the criteria of Craven Local Plan 2012 to 2032 (November 2019) Policy SPK4 and paragraph 80(e) of the NPPF.
2. The proposal would be contrary to the aims of Section 16 of the NPPF (2021) and Policy ENV2 of the Craven Local Plan, by reason of its inappropriate size, design, location and inadequate specification, which would harm the setting of the Grade II Listed Norwood House.
3. The proposal does not accord with Local Plan Policy SP3, in that the proposal is significantly below the suggested housing density and therefore does not represent an efficient use of land.
Voting Record
For 4; Against 2
Note: Councillor Andy Brown, having declared an interest as Division Member, remained in the meeting and took part in the discussion and voting on the above application.
Supporting documents: