Agenda item

ZB23/01079/REM - Reserved matters application under outline permission 22/02555/OUT for the erection of 88 dwelling houses (C3) with siting, landscaping, design and external appearance for consideration at Old Hatchery, Blind Lane, Aiskew on behalf of Colin Bennett (Keepmoat Homes)


Considered :-


The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for reserved matters (with siting, landscaping, design and external appearance) for the erection of 87 dwelling houses following the granting of outline planning permission (ref. 22/02555/OUT) on land at the Old Hatchery, Blind Lane, Aiskew.


Ian Prescott, spoke on behalf of the applicant in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·        The mixture of designs, finishes, house types and the spread of affordable housing.

·        The Committee sought clarification as to who would be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the acoustic fence, with maintenance responsibilities not falling to individual property owners and the developer retaining the responsibility.

·        The number of properties that would have PV’s fitted and the provision of EV’s.


The Decision :-


That delegated authority is given for Officers to APPROVE the reserved matters following receipt of written confirmation that the Local Highway Authority, Wensleydale Railway and Network Rail have no objections to the latest proposals, including authority to impose any planning condition(s) recommended by the Local Highway Authority.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


Amended Condition


Condition 6: Prior to the commencement of any works above the level of the damp proof course for any the buildings hereby approved, a carbon savings and renewable energy scheme shall be submitted demonstrating how all practical and viable measures to provide carbon savings; renewable energy and make prudent and efficient use of natural resources will be implemented. The scheme shall include, but not be limited to, details of the precise details and number of PV panels to be installed on the roof slopes of dwellings in general accordance with the PV Zone areas identified on the approved house type plans for each approved dwelling type. The scheme shall include details of electric vehicle charging. Once approved, the development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved scheme.”


Reason: To reduce the carbon impact of the development and to comply with policy S1.


Additional Conditions


Condition 8: No development shall commence above the level of the damp proof course for any the buildings hereby approved until a construction management strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority covering the application site and any adjoining land which will be used during the construction period. Such a strategy shall provide details of cranes and other tall construction equipment (including the details of obstacle lighting). The approved strategy (or any variation approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority) shall be implemented for the duration of the construction period.


Reason: To ensure that construction work and construction equipment on the site and adjoining land does not obstruct air traffic movements or otherwise impede the effective operation of air traffic navigation transmitter/receiver systems.”


Condition 9: No development above the level of the damp proof course for any the buildings hereby approved shall take place until a Bird Hazard Management Plan (BHMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Ministry of Defence (MOD). The Bird Hazard Management Plan should contain, but not be limited to:


a)    An assessment of the various bird species found in the vicinity of the site, to include species data and numbers;

b)    Details of measures designed to prevent the development forming an environment attractive to those large and/or flocking bird species hazardous to aviation safety;

c)    Details of layout of the solar panels, and roof proofing measures designed to prevent access to feral pigeons and any other identified problematic species; and

d)    Confirmation of drain to dry times for the attenuation basin and details of the maintenance programme through which those drain to dry times will be maintained.


The development shall be carried out and managed strictly in accordance with the details agreed and there shall be no variation without the express written consent of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with MOD.


Reason: To limit the potential of the site to attract and support populations of those bird species that may cause detriment to aviation safety.


The first occupation of any of the dwellinghouses approved by this planning permission shall not take place until the approved planting and biodiversity enhancements have been completed in full, and their completion confirmed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Condition 10: Prior to the completion of the approved off-site planting and biodiversity enhancement works, a scheme for its continued management and maintenance shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The off-site planting and enhancement works shall be managed and maintained in accordance with the approved scheme, including any timetable included for management and maintenance works.


The completed planting and biodiversity enhancement works shall be retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details for a minimum period of 30 years from the date of its completion.

The reason for the works to be completed prior to first occupation of the dwellings is to ensure that the off-site planting and biodiversity enhancements are secured before the first occupation of the associated residential development.


Reason: To ensure that the off-site planting and biodiversity enhancements are undertaken and completed in accordance with the approved plan, in accordance with Policies E3 and E7 of the Local Plan.”


Condition 11: No dwelling shall be occupied until those elements of the approved landscaping scheme that are situated within the curtilage of that dwelling have been implemented.


Reason:  In order to ensure that the landscaping is implemented and to accord with Policy E2 of the Local Plan.

Supporting documents: