Agenda item

To consider the report and recommendations of the Executive and make decisions on them

·                     Delivery of the New Settlement (Maltkiln) Development Plan Document

·                     To consider North Yorkshire Council’s Revenue Budget 2024/25 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) (this is scheduled for consideration earlier in the agenda)

·                     Council Plan 2024-2028 (this is scheduled for consideration earlier in the agenda)

·                     Allocations scheme for the provision of social housing – approval of the proposed North Yorkshire Council allocations policy for social housing following public consultation (this is scheduled for consideration later in the agenda)

·                     Admissions Arrangements 2025/26 (School) (full copy of the report included in papers)

·                     Selby District Local Plan – revised Regulation 19 (publication version) draft plan for public consultation

·                     Submission of the New Settlement (Maltkiln) Development Plan Document

·                     Second Homes Council Tax premiums

·                     North Yorkshire Council Pay Policy


Second Homes Council Tax Premium 


The recommendation at page 334 of the agenda pack (page 981 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded.  


A vote was and the motion was declared carried with 75 votes for the motion, 1 against and 3 abstentions. 


Resolved –  


That implementation of the following be approved: 


                        i.The application of the current premium of 100% for all dwellings which are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished (empty dwellings) from a period of one year with effect from 1st April 2024;  


                      ii.The application of a premium of 100% for all dwellings which are unoccupied but substantially furnished (second homes) with effect from 1st April 2025; and 


                     iii.That the Section 151 Officer is given delegated powers to implement the policy in line with the Council’s requirements and any guidance given by the Secretary of State or regulation 


Selby District Local Plan – Revised Regulation 19 (Publication version) Draft Plan for Public Consultation 


The recommendation at pages334 and 335 of the agenda pack (pages 981 and 982 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded.  


                        i.The following amendment was moved by Councillor John McCartney and secondedby Councillor Mike Jordan. 


The reduction of the affordable housing targets in the emerging Selby Local Plan is unacceptable to this Full Council. 


NYC’s “Allocation Scheme for the provision of social housing” which is on today’s agenda, states at 1.2; “North Yorkshire is an area of high demand for social housing. There is a scarcity of affordable housing and a high number of people who wish to be housed. There is also a substantial level of homelessness across the authority, so even if an applicant is accepted onto the Housing Register this does not mean they will ever be made an offer of accommodation”  


Currently the Selby district has a 40% affordable housing target. 


The emerging plan has sites with 5%, 10% and 20% allocations. So, the overall affordable target would, be at most,13%. But the developers of the 20% sites will inevitably put in Viability Assessments to get that 20% lowered, thereby reducing, even further, the overall target in the emerging plan. 


Cllr Bastiman admitted at the Executive meeting of 6 February that there is a reduction in the new plan saying, “changed economic circumstances mean that the level of affordable housing that can now be justifiably requested is reduced from that set out in the adopted core strategy”. 


If this plan is allowed to go through with this reduced affordable housing target, then no doubt that will be replicated in the new North Yorkshire wide plan. 


“The Selby Local Plan should be delayed; the 40% target should be retained, and the Council should commit to robustly challenging the developers’ Viability Assessments so that we get as many affordable homes as possible on all the sites in the Selby district.” 


The amendment was then debated. 


On a vote being taken the amendment fell with 14 votes for, 60 votes against and 4 abstentions. 


                     ii.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Mike Jordan and seconded by Councillor John McCartney 


That the proposal for Heronby be re-included in the plan for Selby.” 


The amendment was then debated. 


On a vote taken on the amendment there were 2 votes for the amendment, 74 against and 2 abstentions. 


On a vote being taken on the recommendations of the Executive and the motion was declared carried with 74 votes for the motion, 2 against and 2 abstentions. 


Resolved –  


                      i.That the Draft Revised Publication Local Plan document at Appendix 1 of the report is approved for consultation in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) regulations 2012 (as amended); 


                     ii.Delegate to officers the arrangements for the consultation to take place for six weeks between 8 March and 19 April 2024; and 


                    iii.Delegate to the Head of Policy and Place and Assistant Director of Planning in consultation with the Executive Member for Open to Business, any minor amendments required to the documentation for typographical, grammatical and factual or Plain English purposes and any amendments required to address issues raised in the final HRA and SA reports to the documents prior to publishing for consultation. 


Maltkiln New Settlement – Submission of the New Settlement (Maltkiln) Development Plan Document 


The recommendation at pages334 and 335 of the agenda pack (pages 981 and982 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded.  


The following amendment was moved by Councillor Arnold Warneken and seconded by Councillor Andy Brown. 


                      i.That the Council delays the Submission Draft DPD (Maltkiln) and accompanying submission documents to the Secretary of State allowing time for the the inclusion of a policy of at least 30% truly affordable housing in the draft DPD ( Maltkiln )  


                     ii.This Council takes seriously the concerns of residents and Parish Councils regarding the lack of affordable housing in the draft DPD (Maltkiln) and is therefore will take action on their behalf It recognises that any short delay in submission as a result of amending the documents to accommodate the required 30% will be significantly exceeded by the public good. 


The amendment was then debated. 


On a vote being taken the amendment fell with 19 votes for, 50 votes against and there was 1 abstention. 


A vote was taken on the recommendations of the Executive and the motion was declared carriedwith68 votes for the motion and 2 abstentions. 


Resolved –  


                      i.That the Council submit the Submission Draft DPD and accompanying submission documents to the Secretary of State for examination. 


                     ii.That the Corporate Director Community Development in consultation with the Executive Member for Open to Business, be authorised to make minor amendments and graphical improvements to the Submission Draft DPD and submission documents prior to submission. 


                    iii.That for the period of the examination in public, delegated authority be given to the Head of Infrastructure and Delivery, in consultation with the Executive Member for Open to Business, to:  


a.            provide formal responses to questions from the Inspector alongside other supporting statements and documentation as requested by the Inspector. 


b.            agree modifications to the plan through the examination period in order to make the plan sound. 


c.             To undertake all other necessary steps required as part of the Examination 


North Yorkshire Council Pay Policy for Senior Managers 


The recommendation at pages334 and 335 of the agenda pack (page 982 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded.  


A vote was and the motion was declared carried unanimously. 


Resolved –  


That the 2024-2025 Pay Policy be approved for publication. 


Supporting documents: