Agenda item

Presentation from Knaresborough Town Council: Thriving Knaresborough – 2030:

Presentation from Knaresborough Town Councillor David Goode covering community development activities in Knaresborough. Preparedness for Double Devolution. Issues Knaresborough faces and Asks of ACC/NYC.


Presentation from Knaresborough Town Council: Thriving Knaresborough – 2030:


Knaresborough Town Councillor David Goode introduced this item and thanked the Committee for the invite to the meeting. He explained the history of Knaresborough and its Community highlighting the many challenges facing the town. These included maintaining a competitive local economy in a very competitive market, maintaining standards and growing services to cope with the influx of new residents due to 2000 plus new homes being built. The town suffered from congestion, anti-social behaviour, high house prices, low paid jobs, with a significant number of residents commuting to work on a daily basis. As a tourist destination the town suffered from lack of transport connectivity, a lack of hotel and other accommodation, poor tourism promotion and a slow growth in new business in the town.


Knaresborough Town Council was a well-established Council with a budget that delivered a number of services to and on behalf of residents in the town. It had a Mayor, whose duties ranged from supporting local business and causes and representing the Town in the wider region. The Town Council worked with North Yorkshire Council in a variety of areas including emergency response and was also part of North Yorkshire Council’s implementation of the new community development strategy with community networks/anchor organisations. The Town Council was looking at the potential opportunities that double devolution offered the Town and had submitted proposals as part of the process with North Yorkshire Council. The town council recognised that devolution opportunities related to the transfer of assets, and/or the delivery of services.


Cllr Goode went on to brief the Committee on the workshops that the Town Council had held to look at issues facing the town and also how the Community could work together to tackle environmental and climate change issues. He explained how the town had successfully run events all of which contributed to a ‘thriving town. He gave an overview of the competing priorities facing the town and how the town would have to rely and build on relationships to deliver solutions and any double devolution success. He concluded with an overview of the issues the town was facing and what the town Council was asking from the Area Committee and North Yorkshire Council.


The Chair thanked Cllr Goode for his presentation.


In response to questions further information was requested about anchor organisations and Cllr Goode provided information about the Parish Precept.


Members discussed the benefits of sorting lease arrangements for the Castle Grounds and Councillor Walker offered his services as a Champion of economic development in Knaresborough and to be a conduit between the Town Council and the Duchy.


Councillor Walker proposed the following motion, the motion was seconded by Councillor Gostlow:


The Council should learn from the past and strengthen communication and engagement between the Town Council and North Yorkshire Council:


-        Councillor Walker to be the link on behalf of the Committee between Knaresborough Town Council and North Yorkshire Council for supporting Economic Development and working with a named officer once identified

-        Councillor Walker to work with the officer responsible for negotiating an extension to the lease for the castle grounds


A vote was taken on the substantive motion and nine members voted for the motion and there was one abstention.


Resolved – 


That the ACC supports the motion proposed by Councillor Matt Walker.