Report of the Corporate Director of Environment
Harrogate Transport Projects - Oatlands feasibility results:
Considered – The report of the Corporate Director of Environment to update Members on the progress on three projects within their area: the Oatlands feasibility study, the Harrogate Transport Improvements Programme and the Killinghall bypass.
Louise Neale (Team Leader Transport Planning) detailed the background and explained that a variety of projects had been under development in the Harrogate area for some time. As these schemes were strategic and likely to require significant investment, they were developed in line with the Department for Transport (DfT) framework for large local major transport schemes. These schemes are developed by the Council’s transport planning team, who lead on development of scheme business cases, government bidding opportunities and transport policy.
The main areas of focus in the report were:
- Harrogate Transport Improvements Programme - Since 2019, when the Harrogate Congestion Study public engagement showed very low support for any of the Harrogate relief road alignments (78% against), the Council has developed a number of options to reduce congestion. This study, known as HTIP, in its first phase considered options for several corridors into the centre of Harrogate, but due to the funding required to develop a compliant business case, its current second phase has been focussed on one corridor, the A61 Leeds Road. Measures considered included provision of sections of bus priority facilities, improved signals and crossing facilities for pedestrians, cycle infrastructure and also consideration of how junctions can be improved to enhance movement of all modes along the corridor. HTIP was also looking at park and ride facilities but this would extend beyond simply the A61 corridor and would include provision more widely in Harrogate and Knaresborough.
- Oatlands feasibility study - The Oatlands Feasibility Study developed from the public engagement that was undertaken on the options suggested as part of the Harrogate Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 (ATF2) proposal – following consultation it was found that the biggest areas of concern in the area were indiscriminate parking, traffic speeds, ability to safely cross the road and the reduction in bus services and bus penetration in the Oatland Area. In terms of solutions for the issues raised engagement largely favoured less parking and reduced traffic volumes, with cycle lanes, slower traffic, and easier ways to cross the road also achieving a high level of support. This review was being considered in conjunction with the 20mph review and road safety improvements were already planned for areas such as the Oatlands Drive crossing at Slingsby Walk.
- Killinghall bypass - Work on a possible bypass for the village of Killinghall, has been in consideration for some time, and featured in the Council’s list of major schemes for many years. Work on the bypass looked at a number of possible highway alignments, and as set out above, in line with DfT requirements also looked at alternative approaches to reducing the impact of traffic in the village of Killinghall. No public engagement had been undertaken on the Killinghall Bypass since the Harrogate Congestion Study public engagement in 2019. It was recommended that before the scheme progresses any further, engagement on the principle of pursuing the scheme further, and possible recommended alignments is undertaken.
- Councillor Haslam suggested that, in terms of HTIP, rather than a specific corridor review the Council need to review travel across the whole Harrogate and Knaresborough
- Councillor Gostlow asked about whether the park and ride was to include Knaresborough - LN answered that three main corridor routes into Harrogate were being looked at for the park and ride scheme, these were the A61 (north and south), the A661 and another eastern route but not specifically going into Knaresborough
- Councillor Gostlow had a follow up question about how any new measures to combat congestion would be balanced against loss of biodiversity – LN explained that at this time this was a high level options appraisal and details like this would be looked at a later stage
- Councillor Gostlow subsequently asked about bus services in Knaresborough and if the buses could be diverted slightly to main car parks at the two ends of Knaresborough this would act almost the same as a park and ride scheme – LN agree to consult the Integrated Passenger Transport Team on the bus services
- Councillor Marsh asked about the lack of a bus service in parts of Knaresborough and whether the Council could take this up with the servicing companies – LN explained this was outside the scope of this review but it would be part of discussion on the wider Local Transport Plan.
Paul Haslam proposed the recommendations in the report but with the addition of a Quarterly report detailing progress on delivery and any delays. This was seconded by Councillor Windass.
A vote was taken on the proposed amended motion, Members voted unanimously for the amended motion.
Resolved –
That Members note the content of the updates on the three studies: HTIP, the Oatlands feasibility study and the Killinghall Bypass and that Members receive a Quarterly report detailing progress on delivery and any delays.
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