Agenda item

2022/24127/FUL - Proposed removal of twenty five permanent residential caravans, conversion of the existing sawmill building into two apartments and the erection of twelve new dwellings with associated infrastructure, at the Old Sawmill, Marton Road, Gargrave, Skipton BD23 3NN.

Report of the Head of Development Management – Community Development Services.




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a full planning application for the removal of 25 residential caravans, the conversion of the existing sawmill into 2 apartments and the erection of 12 new dwellings at the Old Sawmill, Marton Road, Gargrave.  Members had visited the site to aid in their determination of the application. A late information report had been circulated stating the inclusion of a monitoring fee in relation to any open space. The application was recommended for refusal because the proposal would be contrary to the spatial strategy for the location of new housing and the flood risk policies of the Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            Parish Councillor Gregory Butt spoke on behalf of Gargrave Parish Council.


            Councillor Simon Myers, spoke in his capacity as Division Member for Mid-Craven.


            The applicant’s representative Mr Ms Fiona Tiplady spoke in support of the       application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:


1.     Much of the site was in Flood Zone 2 and historically the site had not been known to flood.

2.     The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment flood risk maps were out of date.

3.     The proposed application was on a brownfield site and there would be improvements to the character and appearance of the area.

4.     A downstream weir in Gargrave was likely to have been a cause of increased flood risk had been removed.

5.     The application provided flood resilient permanent dwellings replacing caravans vulnerable to flood risk.

6.     Members were pleased to note the proposed restoration of a non-designated heritage asset.

7.     There was a requirement to consult with the Secretary of State.

8.     Pursuant to advice from the planning officer, the considerations which Members wished to give weight to in arriving at any resolution to grant the application.


The decision:


That, against officer recommendation, the Committee were strongly minded to GRANT the application and that, subject to referral to the Secretary of State, the determination of the application be delegated to the Head of Development Management – Community Development Services, subject to the conditions below and any further conditions as he may deem necessary and, completion of a S.106 obligation in relation to the required off-site open space contribution:


1.     Standard time limit for commencement (3 years).

2.     Adherence to an approved plans list, unless otherwise required by condition.

3.     Contaminated land investigation/remediation/verification.

4.     Prior approval of measures in relation to railway safety.

5.     External lighting to be wildlife sensitive in accordance with a scheme to be submitted and agreed.

6.     Landscaping/implementation.

7.     Landscape and ecological enhancement management plan.

8.     A scheme for the incorporation of renewable energy and efficiency measures.

9.     Details of windows, doors and external surfaces, including sample panels.

10.  Sustainable drainage in accordance with a scheme to be submitted.

11.  Chimneys in accordance with a scheme to be submitted.

12.  Parking provision in accordance with a scheme to be submitted.

13.  Adherence to flood mitigation and resilience measures set out in the submitted Flood Risk Assessment.


Reason for decision:


The proposal would result in the regeneration of a brownfield site, improvements to the character and appearance of the area, and the restoration of a non-designated heritage asset.  Flood resilient dwellings would replace caravans vulnerable to flood risk and for which a certificate of lawfulness has been granted for permanent residential occupancy, thus creating a fallback position.  Furthermore, a downstream weir in Gargrave likely to have contributed to an increased risk of flooding has been removed.  Further still, historically the site has not been known to flood.  Therefore, having regard to the submitted evidence, including the submitted Flood Risk Assessment, the benefits, cumulatively, outweigh conflict with the spatial strategy of the development plan Policy ENV6 Flood Risk and the flood risk policies of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Voting record:  a vote was taken and declared carried unanimously. 


Supporting documents: