Agenda item

ZA24/25923/FUL- Proposed construction of a covered steel portal frame agricultural building at Souber Dairy, Bank Newton, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 3NT on behalf of Mr Tom Dodgson.

Report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services.


Considered –


The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a full planning application for a steel framed agricultural building at Souber Dairy, Bank Newton, Skipton. The application had been called-in to be determined by the Planning Committee due to concerns over the impacts upon the highway.


Updating the report the Planning Officer referred the Committee to a late information report and photographs submitted by Rachael Berry, Bank Newton Parish Meeting and Gargrave Parish Council.  The late information report also set out an additional condition regarding a scheme for the provision of solar panels, to be attached to the permission, if granted.


Following the report and questions to the Planning Officer by Members, the Chair invited the following members of the public to make representations to the Committee:


-        Ms Rachael Berry spoke on behalf of the objectors.

-        Ms Catherine Downes spoke on behalf of Bank Newton Parish Meeting.

-        Mr Geoffrey Butt, spoke on behalf of Gargrave Parish Council.

-        Local Division Member Councillor Simon Myers spoke and explained that whilst he was on the side of farm businesses and their expansion he wanted to raise residents’ concerns regarding highway safety and damage caused to the canal bridge.

-        Mr Tom Dodgson, the applicant, spoke supporting his application.


During consideration of the application, the Committee discussed the following issues:


-        The potential increase in farm traffic movements, particularly during harvesting would add to the existing concerns regarding highway safety issues for pedestrians, hikers and cyclists.

-        The collision history of the surrounding area.  The planning officer had noticed the traffic concerns but stated it was an existing farm in a rural area and the Highways Authority’s survey resulted in them being satisfied there was no impact on highway safety.

-        Concern that the proposal only included one passing place on a narrow road which was thought insufficient.  It was noted that the provision of further passing places was not feasible as all the land was not in the applicant’s ownership.

-        Damage to the canal bridge, drystone walls and ditches by large agricultural vehicles was concerning.

-        The Highways Officer stated that the bridge was owned by the Canal and Rivers Trust and a scheme was being developed to repair and strengthen the bridge. The costs would be shared between the Council and the Canal and Rivers Trust.

-        Members questioned whether covering the hardstanding with a steel portal frame would enable it to be used for cattle.  The planning officer reassured Members that any change of use would require a separate application.

-        In relation to the 7.5 tonne weight restriction, Members were advised it was still in force over the full length of Church Street between the A59 and A65 to stop the route being used a short cut by HGVs.  It was not related to traffic movements on Marton Road.

-        Members debated whether a deferral would be feasible to allow for an independent assessment of any additional traffic at peak season next Year.  The planning officer confirmed that there was already an existing lawful use on the development site to transport grain and that an additional traffic survey was unlikely to demonstrate any additional movement in this respect.  The Legal Officer reminded Members that a deferral until next Autumn would carry a risk of non-determination of the application.


The Committee voted to defer the decision to allow for an independent assessment of any additional traffic at peak season.  A vote was taken and the motion was defeated with 4 votes against and 3 for.


Given that the above motion was lost, Members debated the original recommendation as set out in the Assistant Director’s report and the decision of the Committee is set out below:


The Decision:


That, the application is GRANTED subject to the conditions detailed in the report and an additional condition as set out in the late information report.


Record of Voting:


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 4 for, 2 against and 1 abstention.


Additional Condition:


A scheme for the provision of solar panels including details of appearance shall be submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To help mitigate against climate change and to accord with Policy ENV3 (t) of the Craven Local Plan 2012-2032.



Supporting documents: