Report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services
The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for approval of reserved matters for the construction of up to 25 no. residential dwellings at White House Farm, Stokesley.
Councillor Bryn Griffiths as Division Member spoke in objection to the types and tenures proposed in the application.
The applicant’s agent, Martin Bonner, spoke in support of the application.
During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following:-
· The mix of housing types and tenures, including the provision of affordable housing.
· The current condition of the site in relation to the surrounding area.
The decision:-
That the reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale be APPROVED subject to the conditions, as amended set out in paragraph 12 of the report and the additional conditions shown below.
Voting Record
A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 5 for and 1 against.
Amended Conditions
Condition 2: Approved Plans
The permission hereby granted shall not be undertaken other than in complete accordance with the following plans:
BH20002-APP-94-XX-DR-C-2020-S1 P03
BH20002-APP-94-XX-DR-C-2100-S1 P02
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-200 P2
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-001 P8
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-051 P6
BH20002-APP-90-DR-C-2400 P03
BH20002-APP-90-M3-C-3000 P03
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-101 P3
EDS 07-0102.05 Version D
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-100 P3
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-108 P3
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-106 P4
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-103 P3 C002-A
BH20002-APP-94-XX-DR-C-7200 P02
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-104 P3
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-105 P3
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-1001 P1
BH20004_APP_ZZ_XX_DR_A_300 P1
BH20004_APP_ZZ_XX_DR_A_S01_301 P1
BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-107 P4
0401 P5
EDS-07-0102.05 Version A
LL01 Rev.F
0402 P1
0403 P1
0404 P1
DRA 120 P1 (garage detail)
Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed above.
Additional Conditions
Condition 6: Except for investigative works, no excavation or other groundworks or the depositing of material on site in connection with the construction of any road or any structure or apparatus which will lie beneath the road must take place on any phase of the road construction works, until full detailed engineering drawings of all aspects of roads and sewers for that phase, including any structures which affect or form part of the highway network, and a programme for delivery of such works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development must only be carried out in compliance with the approved engineering drawings.
Reason: To secure an appropriate highway constructed to an adoptable standard in the interests of highway safety and the amenity and convenience of all highway users
Condition 7: No part of the development to which this permission relates must be brought into use until the carriageway and any footway or footpath from which it gains access is constructed to binder course macadam level or block paved (as approved) and kerbed and connected to the existing highway network with any street lighting installed and in operation. The completion of all road works, including any phasing, must be in accordance with a programme submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is brought into use.
Reason: To ensure safe and appropriate access and egress to the premises, in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of all prospective highway users.
Condition 8: No dwelling must be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the details approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once created these areas must be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.
Reason: To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development.
Supporting documents: