Purpose: An opportunity for LAF members to update the Forum on LAF representative project activity since the last meeting.
The report of the secretary giving LAF members the opportunity to update the Forum on Council liaison and other LAF representative project activity since the last meeting.
The Chair highlighted that there were two vacant liaison representative posts shown within the table at paragraph 2.1 of the report: one for National Landscapes and one for the Discovering Lost Ways 2026 Project and the former Harrogate district. Discussion took place around the projects and filling the two posts.
Mr Kelly advised that the deadline for the Discovering Lost Ways 2026 Project had been extended to January 2031, therefore Members took the decision to remove the project, at this time.
In terms of National Landscapes (NL), formerly known as Area’s of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Mr Kelly informed Members that the Howardian Hills NL and Nidderdale NL were hosted by North Yorkshire Council, with Council officers managing the rights of way network on a day-to-day basis, however both NL’s were autonomous with their own governing body.
Councillor Jabbour went on to provide a detailed update as he was the Chair of the Howardian Hills National Landscapes Joint Advisory Committee. Members heard that the name change from AONB to NL had taken place a year ago and was a branding exercise to ensure that the status of National Landscapes was comparable with the National Parks. The key change to the remit of NL was to place additional duties on Local Authorities to seek to further the purposes of National Landscapes in North Yorkshire.
Members queried that as the Council managed the rights of way network on behalf of NL was there a need for a LAF liaison representative, Mr Kelly replied that taking into account his past experience he did not feel that there was a need for a representative as the Council and NLs worked in partnership, therefore Members agreed to remove National Landscapes from the table.
Mr Kelly drew Members attention to a proposal for a new Natural England Yorkshire Wolds AONB which was due to go out to public consultation, Councillor Jabbour stated that he felt the Forum should participate in the consultation as the Members insight would be invaluable. Stephen Clark volunteered to research and draft a response on behalf of the Forum for the consultation, to which Members agreed.
The Chair informed Members that she and Councillor Jeffels had attended the Yorkshire, Humber and North Lincolnshire (YH & NL) Regional Access Forum on the 4 September 2024, the meeting had provided a lively discussion on subjects to include landlocked access areas, right to roam and the associated concerns from the farming community and the National Farmers Union, a presentation from the Green Lanes Environmental Action Group (GLEAM) around the damage caused by 4x4 vehicles, and an update from Sustrans which included the cinder track from Burniston to Cloughton.
Resolved - That
i. The additional information provided at the meeting be noted, alongside the written updates provided in the report.
ii. The Discovering Lost Ways 2026 Project be removed from the table of nominated representatives.
iii. National Landscapes be removed from the table of nominated representatives.
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