Agenda item

Northern Powergrid


Considered –


A presentation and verbal update from Lizzie Boyes, Local System Planning Engineer for Northern Powergrid.


Lizzie Boyes introduced herself and went through the presentation slides attached at Item 7 of the papers. The update and subsequent discussion are summarised below:


·        Members described the delays that Craven Leisure Centre in Skipton has seen. Lizzie Boyes informed Members how the connection queue was changing to reduce delays and informed Members that third parties are sometimes the cause of project delays. It was reported that the National Grid creates a significant number of delays due to projects that are in the queue but won’t get implemented.


·        Lizzie Boyes described the Community Distribution System Operator project, explaining that this project would work with communities trying to decarbonise themselves.


·        Members raised concerns surrounding the slow connection of street lighting and Lizzie Boyes asked that specific details of each delayed case are sent to her so that the situations can get back on track.


·        The Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund helps Councils to put infrastructure such as solar panels and heat pumps into public sector buildings.


·        Members suggested that more should be done to incentivise people to avoid using electricity during peak times.


·        Members asked how the Council could assist Northern Powergrid. Lizzie Boyes suggested that whilst most substations have enough capacity, developments should be phased so that there is not a rush for electricity all at once.


·        It was agreed that more needs to be done to educate people on why projects are delayed so that smaller projects aren’t held back. This could be done through Members, or Northern Powergrid could attend meetings of local groups and councils. Members should send details of these groups and councils to Lizzie Boyes. It was also reported that Community Energy Advisors are being employed to carry out this role.


·        It was reported that vulnerable people can register as a priority customer via the Northern Powergrid website or by calling their contact centre. Details on this to be circulated after the meeting.


·        Members asked about the lead time for installing parts that will improve Northern Powergrid’s infrastructure. Details on this to be circulated to Members after the meeting.


·        Members asked whether there is a service level agreement that energy providers must work to. They were particularly interested in the time a provider has to react to an issue after receiving a complaint. Lizzie Boyes to circulate this information after the meeting.


·        Members were keen that Northern Powergrid involve them where it would be useful.

Resolved –


a)     That Lizzie Boyes will circulate the following information after the meeting:

                 i.          How to register as a priority customer and whether individual providers inform Northern Powergrid if someone has registered with them.

                ii.          The lead times for installing new infrastructure.

               iii.          The service level agreements and timelines that providers must adhere to when a complaint about infrastructure is received.

b)     That Lizzie Boyes will contact Members if Northern Powergrid require their assistance.

c)     That Members will contact Lizzie Boyes when they hear that a complaint or project is being delayed.

d)     That Members will contact Lizzie Boyes with details of groups or councils that they would like Northern Powergrid to speak to.

e)     That a biannual update on the progress of projects in the area be added to the Committee’s work programme.

Supporting documents: