Agenda item

North Yorkshire Council's Revenue Budget 2024/25 and the Medium Term Strategy (MTFS)


1.            Revenue Budget 2024/25, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 and Council Tax for 2024/25 


The recommendations at pages 81 to 83 of the agenda (pages 711 to 713 of the Minute Book) were moved by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Carl Les, and seconded by the Deputy Leader, Councillor Gareth Dadd


              i.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Bryn Griffiths and seconded by Councillor Peter Lacey: 


“We note that in the recent additional £600m financial settlement to local councils made by Government the following points were made in the associated press release: 


1.    “£500m of this additional funding was added to the Social Care Grant to bolster social care budgets.” 


2.    “The Government’s manifesto commits to continuing to protect local taxpayers from excessive council tax increases.” 


3.    The government is clear this funding is to be used to address the pressures facing councils and improve performance. It should not be put aside for later use or spent on areas that are not a priority.” 


Taking these points on board and also in light of the current financial predicament of many of our residents, we suggest that there is sufficient leeway to lower the proposed 4.99% increase in Council Tax for 2024/25, by using the additional allocated funding in 2024/25 and still remaining financially prudent. 


The medium-term goal of financial balance can be achieved by modifying the 2025/26 increase assumption from 2.99% to 3.99% and leaving the 2026/27 figure at 2.99%. This will smooth out the bump in tax rises and still match the 2026/27 Medium Term Financial projection given in Paragraph 2.7 on Page 42 of the Council report.   


We therefore propose that the following amendments are made to the Revenue Budget for 2024/25 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2026/27: 


a.            Council Tax is raised by 3.99% in 2024/25 at a cost of £4.328M, therefore using the additional Central Government money to protect local taxpayers from excessive council tax rises as intended. 


b.            The Medium Term Financial situation is achieved by assuming a 3.99% increase in Council tax for 2025/26 with a 2.99% increase for 2026/27. 


c.             That with respect to improving performance and supporting Social Care, the HAS Directorate are supported financially to undertake a review of integrated commissioning opportunities with Housing and with the Integrated Care Board that can significantly improve health outcomes and value for money over the medium to long term. 


d.            That other invest-to-save opportunities are identified and funded within the 2024/25 budget setting process, to improve performance in the medium to long term in areas such as sustainability and becoming net zero, given the high-risk status of this ambition highlighted in the Council’s risk assessment.” 


The amendment was then debated. 


A recorded vote was taken by roll call and the motion was declared defeated 13 for, 70 against and no abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Chris Aldred, Joy Andrews, Philip Broadbank, Barbara Brodigan, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Hannah Gostlow, Bryn Griffiths, Peter Lacey, Steve Mason, Andrew Murday, Dan Sladden, Monika Slater and Matt Walker 


Against:  Councillors Karl Arthur, Alyson Baker, Derek Bastiman, Eric Broadbent, Andy Brown, Nick Brown, Lindsay Burr MBE, John Cattanach, David Chance, Liz Colling, Mark Crane, Sam Cross, Gareth Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Stephanie Duckett, Keane Duncan, Richard Foster, Sam Gibbs, Caroline Goodrick, Tim Grogan, Michael Harrison, Paul Haslam, Robert Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan Hull, David Ireton, George Jabbour, David Jeffels, Janet Jefferson, Tom Jones, Mike Jordan, Andrew Lee, Carl Les, Cliff Lunn, John Mann,  Rich Maw, John McCartney, Heather Moorhouse, Simon Myers, David Noland, Bob Packham, Andy Paraskos, Stuart Parsons, Yvonne Peacock, Clive Pearson, Heather Phillips, Jack Proud, Tony Randerson, John Ritchie, Janet Sanderson, Karin Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Andy Solloway, David Staveley, Neil Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm Taylor, Phil Trumper, Arnold Warneken, Steve Watson, David Webster, John Weighell OBE, Greg White, Annabel Wilkinson, Peter Wilkinson, Andrew Williams and Robert Windass 


Abstentions: none 


             ii.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Andy Brown and seconded by Councillor Arnold Warneken: 




“This council agrees to extend and enhance the Beyond Carbon pump priming funding by two years commencing in 2024—25 by allocating a further £1m in both 2024/25 and in 2025/26. The capital investments to be financed from capital receipts generated by the future sale of under-utilized council assets. The funding to be used: 


·                     To assist the council to rapidly electrify the majority of the vehicles it owns and operates.  


·                     To provide funding for council owned properties to reduce energy consumption and/or increase energy generation. 


·                     For capital investments that reduce NYC running costs and carbon consumption.” 


The amendment was then debated. 


A recorded vote was taken by roll call and the motion was declared defeated 24 for, 57 against and no abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Chris Aldred, Joy Andrews, Philip Broadbank, Barbara Brodigan, Andy Brown, Lindsay Burr MBE, Sam Cross, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Hannah Gostlow, Bryn Griffiths, Janet Jefferson, Mike Jordan, Peter Lacey, Steve Mason, John McCartney, Andrew Murday, David Noland, Stuart Parsons, Dan Sladden, Monika Slater, Andy Solloway, Matt Walker and Arnold Warneken, 


Against:  Councillors Karl Arthur, Alyson Baker, Derek Bastiman, Eric Broadbent, Nick Brown, John Cattanach, David Chance, Liz Colling, Mark Crane, Gareth Dadd, Caroline Dickinson, Stephanie Duckett, Keane Duncan, Richard Foster, Sam Gibbs, Caroline Goodrick, Tim Grogan, Michael Harrison, Paul Haslam, Robert Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan Hull, David Ireton, George Jabbour, David Jeffels, Tom Jones, Andrew Lee, Carl Les, Cliff Lunn, John Mann,  Rich Maw, Heather Moorhouse, Simon Myers, Bob Packham, Andy Paraskos, Yvonne Peacock, Clive Pearson, Heather Phillips, Jack Proud,  John Ritchie, Janet Sanderson, Karin Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, David Staveley, Neil Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm Taylor, Phil Trumper, Steve Watson, David Webster, John Weighell OBE, Greg White, Annabel Wilkinson, Peter Wilkinson, Andrew Williams and Robert Windass 


Abstentions: none 



At 12:55 pm the Chairman adjourned the meeting for lunch. 


The meeting was re-convened at 1:45 pm. 


The following Councillors were not present after the adjournment:  Councillors John Cattanach, Stephanie Duckett, Janet Jefferson and John Weighell.   


Councillor Kirsty Poskitt arrived during lunch and was present following the adjournment. 



            iii.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Andy Brown and seconded by Councillor Arnold Warneken: 




“To commence NYC investment in additional council and/or social housing from 1st April 2024 in anticipation of additional funding from increased second homes charges. The emphasis of investment to be on locations where there is the greatest shortage of genuinely affordable housing.” 


The amendment was then debated. 


On a vote being taken on a show of hands the motion was declared carried 70 for, 1 against and no abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Chris?Aldred, Joy Andrews, Karl?Arthur, Alyson?Baker, Derek?Bastiman, Philip?Broadbank, Eric?Broadbent, Barbara?Brodigan, Andy?Brown, Nick?Brown, Lindsay?Burr?MBE, David?Chance, Liz Colling, Mark?Crane, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Gareth?Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline?Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Keane?Duncan, Richard?Foster, Sam?Gibbs, Caroline?Goodrick, Hannah?Gostlow, Bryn?Griffiths, Tim?Grogan, Michael?Harrison, Paul?Haslam, Robert?Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan?Hull, David Ireton, George?Jabbour, David?Jeffels, Tom?Jones, Mike?Jordan, Peter Lacey, Andrew?Lee, Carl?Les OBE, Cliff?Lunn, John?Mann,  Steve?Mason, Rich?Maw, John?McCartney, Heather?Moorhouse, Andrew Murday, Simon?Myers, David?Noland, Bob?Packham, Andy?Paraskos, Stuart?Parsons, Yvonne?Peacock, Clive?Pearson, Heather?Phillips, Kirsty Poskitt, Jack?Proud, Tony Randerson, John?Ritchie, Janet?Sanderson, Karin?Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Dan Sladden, Monika?Slater, Andy Solloway, David?Staveley, Neil?Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm?Taylor, Phil Trumper, Matt?Walker, Arnold?Warneken, Steve?Watson, David?Webster, Greg?White, Annabel?Wilkinson, Peter?Wilkinson, Andrew?Williams and Robert?Windass 


Against:  Councillor Sam Cross 




           iv.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Andy Brown and seconded by Councillor David Noland: 




“To remove any expenditure on creating new community networks and to focus efforts on utilising existing networks such as Parish Councils.” 


Following debate on the amendment, the amendment was withdrawn by the mover of the amendment. 


             v.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Andy Brown and seconded by Councillor Arnold Warneken: 




“To reduce the Communications & Marketing budget by an additional £200,000 a year and to cease the purchase of any advertising apart from absolutely essential public information notices.” 


           vi.The amendment was tabled with a further amendment which was moved by Councillor Andy Brown and seconded by Councillor David Noland: 




“To increase the expenditure on public and community transport schemes by £200,000 a year.” 


The amendments were then debated together. 


A recorded vote was taken by roll call and the combined motions were declared defeated 4 for, 76 against and no abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Andy?Brown, David?Noland, Stuart?Parsons and Arnold?Warneken 


Against:  Councillors Chris?Aldred, Joy Andrews, Karl?Arthur, Alyson?Baker,  Derek?Bastiman, Philip?Broadbank, Eric?Broadbent, Barbara?Brodigan, Nick?Brown, Lindsay?Burr?MBE, David?Chance, Liz Colling, Mark?Crane, Sam?Cross, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Gareth?Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline?Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Keane?Duncan, Richard?Foster, Sam?Gibbs, Caroline?Goodrick, Hannah?Gostlow, Bryn?Griffiths, Tim?Grogan, Michael?Harrison, Paul?Haslam, Robert?Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan?Hull, David Ireton, George?Jabbour, David?Jeffels, Tom?Jones, Mike?Jordan, Peter Lacey, Andrew?Lee, Carl?Les, Cliff?Lunn, John?Mann,  Steve?Mason, Rich?Maw, John?McCartney, Heather?Moorhouse, Andrew Murday, Simon?Myers, Bob?Packham, Andy?Paraskos, Yvonne?Peacock, Clive?Pearson, Heather?Phillips, Kirsty Poskitt, Jack?Proud, Tony Randerson, John?Ritchie, Janet?Sanderson, Karin?Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Dan Sladden, Monika?Slater, Andy Solloway, David?Staveley, Neil?Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm?Taylor, Phil Trumper, Matt?Walker, Steve?Watson, David?Webster, Greg?White, Annabel?Wilkinson, Peter?Wilkinson, Andrew?Williams and Robert?Windass 


Abstentions: none 


          vii.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Andy Brown and seconded by Councillor David Noland: 




“To reduce the budget for mowing and spraying by at least £100,000 a year and to cease all purchases of any products containing glyphosate or neonicotinoids.” 


Following debate on the amendment, the amendment was withdrawn by the mover of the amendment and referred to the Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


         viii.The following amendment was moved by Councillor Steve Shaw-Wright and seconded by Councillor Eric Broadbent: 


“Scrutiny committees will be encouraged to regularly monitor and scrutinise the proposed budgetary savings and efficiencies, to assist executive members and officers in the execution of their duties.” 


The amendment was then debated. 


On a vote being taken by a show of hands the motion was declared carried 80 for, none against and no abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Chris?Aldred, Joy Andrews, Karl?Arthur, Alyson?Baker, Derek?Bastiman, Philip?Broadbank, Eric?Broadbent, Barbara?Brodigan, Andy?Brown, Nick?Brown, Lindsay?Burr?MBE, David?Chance, Liz Colling, Mark?Crane, Sam?Cross, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Gareth?Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline?Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Keane?Duncan, Richard?Foster, Sam?Gibbs, Caroline?Goodrick, Hannah?Gostlow, Bryn?Griffiths, Tim?Grogan, Michael?Harrison, Paul?Haslam, Robert?Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan?Hull, David Ireton, George?Jabbour, David?Jeffels, Tom?Jones, Mike?Jordan, Peter Lacey, Andrew?Lee, Carl?Les, Cliff?Lunn, John?Mann,  Steve?Mason, Rich?Maw, John?McCartney, Heather?Moorhouse, Andrew Murday, Simon?Myers, David?Noland, Bob?Packham, Andy?Paraskos, Stuart?Parsons, Yvonne?Peacock, Clive?Pearson, Heather?Phillips, Kirsty Poskitt, Jack?Proud, Tony Randerson, John?Ritchie, Janet?Sanderson, Karin?Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Dan Sladden, Monika?Slater, Andy Solloway, David?Staveley, Neil?Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm?Taylor, Phil Trumper, Matt?Walker, Arnold?Warneken, Steve?Watson, David?Webster, Greg?White, Annabel?Wilkinson, Peter?Wilkinson, Andrew?Williams and Robert?Windass 


Against:  none 


Abstentions: none 


A named vote was taken by roll call on the substantive motion, the recommendations at pages 81 to 83 of the report, and declared carried with 61 for, 4 against and 14 abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Karl Arthur, Alyson Baker, Derek Bastiman, Eric Broadbent, Nick Brown, David Chance, Liz Colling, Mark Crane, Sam Cross, Gareth Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Keane Duncan, Richard Foster, Sam Gibbs, Caroline Goodrick, Tim Grogan, Michael Harrison, Paul Haslam, Robert Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan Hull, David Ireton, George Jabbour, David Jeffels, Tom Jones, Mike Jordan, Andrew Lee, Carl Les, Cliff Lunn, John Mann,  Rich Maw, Heather Moorhouse, Simon Myers, Bob Packham, Andy Paraskos, Yvonne Peacock, Clive Pearson, Heather Phillips, Kirsty Poskitt, Jack Proud, John Ritchie, Janet Sanderson, Karin Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Andy Solloway, David Staveley, Neil Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm Taylor, Phil Trumper, Arnold Warneken, Steve Watson, David Webster, Greg White, Annabel Wilkinson, Peter Wilkinson, Andrew Williams and Robert Windass 


Against:  Councillors Lindsay Burr MBE, John McCartney, David Noland and Tony Randerson 


Abstentions:  Councillors Chris Aldred, Joy Andrews, Philip Broadbank, Barbara Brodigan, Andy Brown, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Hannah Gostlow, Bryn Griffiths, Peter Lacey, Steve Mason, Andrew Murday, Dan Sladden, Monika Slater and Matt Walker 


Resolved –  


1.            That  


a.    the Section 25 assurance statement provided by the Corporate Director, Resources regarding the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the reserves (paragraph 8.12) and the risk assessment of the MTFS detailed in Section 9 are noted; 


b.    An increase in Council Tax of 4.99% (basic 2.99% and Adult Social Care 2%) resulting in a Band D charge (including special expenses) of £1,847.62 – an increase of £87.80 (paragraph 4.3.8 and Appendix D); 


c.     That, in accordance with Section 31A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended by Section 74 of The Localism Act 2011), a Council Tax requirement for 2024/25 of £454,532,423.44 is approved; 


d.    That a Net Revenue Budget for 2024/25, after use of reserves, of £684,764k (Appendix G) is approved;

e.    (recommendation removed as no longer required following the revised local government settlement) 


f.      That the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service is authorised, in consultation with the Corporate Director, Resources and the Executive Members for Schools and Finance, to take the final decision on the allocation of the Schools Budget including High Needs, Early Years and the Central Schools Services Block (paragraph 3.1.17). 


g.    That the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2025/26 to 2026/27, and its caveats, as laid out in Section 3.0 and Appendix G is approved in line with the proposed council tax option. 


h.    That the Corporate Director – Environment is authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for Highways & Transportation and Open for Business, to carry out all necessary actions, including consultation where considered appropriate, to implement the range of savings as set out in Appendix B (ENV 1 to 14). 


i.      That the Corporate Director – Community Development is authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for Planning for Growth and Culture, Arts and Housing, to carry out all necessary actions, including consultation where considered appropriate, to implement the range of savings as set out in  Appendix B (CD 1 to 11). 


j.      That the Corporate Director – Health and Adult Services is authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for HAS, to carry out all necessary actions, including consultation where he considers it appropriate, to implement the range of savings as set out in Appendix B (HAS 1 to 7). 


k.     That the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Services are authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for CYPS, to carry out all necessary actions, including consultation where he considers it appropriate, to implement the range of savings as set out in Appendix B (CYPS 1 to 14). 


l.      That the Corporate Director – Resources, in consultation with the Executive Members for Finance & Resources and Corporate Services, to carry out all the necessary actions, including consultation where he consider it appropriate, to implement the range of savings as set out in Appendix B (RD 1 to 7). 


m.   That the Chief Executive is authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for Central Services, to carry out all necessary actions, including consultation where he considers it appropriate, to implement the range of savings as set out in Appendix B (CS 1-11 and LGR1). 


n.    That any outcomes requiring changes following Recommendations h), i), j), k) and l) above be brought back to the Executive to consider and, where changes are recommended to the existing major policy framework, then such matters to be considered by full Council. 


o.    That £5,000k be provided for development of the Local Plan and that the Corporate Director, Community Development be authorised, in consultation with the Corporate Director, Resources and the Executive Members for Planning and Finance, to approve spending from this sum to progress the Local Plan as set out in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.3. 


p.    That £1,000k be added to the North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund in recognition of additional claims currently coming through and therefore allowing targeted support to continue to support our most financially vulnerable residents (paragraph 4.8.4) 


q.    That the proposed policy target for the minimum level of the General Working Balance is £33m in line with Appendix F. 


2.            That the delegation arrangements referred to in Section 11 are agreed and that the Corporate Directors are authorised to implement the Budget proposals contained in this report for their respective service areas and for the Chief Executive in those areas where there are cross-Council proposals. 


3.            That the Council have regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty (identified in Section 7 and Appendix I) in approving the Budget proposals contained in this report. 


2.            Council Tax Resolution Report 


The recommendation at page 148 of the agenda pack (page 785 of the Minute Book) was moved by Councillor Gareth Dadd and seconded by Councillor Carl Les. 


A replacement page 157 was circulated at the meeting detailing an amendment to the parish precepts and council tax amounts. 


A named vote was taken by roll call on the substantive motion, the recommendation at pages 148 of the Council tax Resolution Report, and Appendix A at pages 151 and 152, and declared carried with 77 for, 2 against and no abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Chris?Aldred, Joy Andrews, Karl?Arthur, Alyson?Baker, Derek?Bastiman, Philip?Broadbank, Eric?Broadbent, Barbara?Brogan, Andy?Brown, Nick?Brown, David?Chance, Liz Colling, Mark?Crane, Sam?Cross, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Gareth?Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline?Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Keane?Duncan, Richard?Foster, Sam?Gibbs, Caroline?Goodrick, Hannah?Gostlow, Bryn?Griffiths, Tim?Grogan, Michael?Harrison, Paul?Haslam, Robert?Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan?Hull, David Ireton, George?Jabbour, David?Jeffels, Tom?Jones, Mike?Jordan, Peter Lacey, Andrew?Lee, Carl?Les, Cliff?Lunn, John?Mann,  Steve?Mason, Rich?Maw, John?McCartney, Heather?Moorhouse, Andrew Murday, Simon?Myers, David?Noland, Bob?Packham, Andy?Paraskos, Yvonne?Peacock, Clive?Pearson, Heather?Phillips, Kirsty Poskitt, Jack?Proud, John?Ritchie, Janet?Sanderson, Karin?Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Dan Sladden, Monika?Slater, Andy Solloway, David?Staveley, Neil?Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm?Taylor, Phil Trumper, Matt?Walker, Arnold?Warneken, Steve?Watson, David?Webster, Greg?White, Annabel?Wilkinson, Peter?Wilkinson, Andrew?Williams and Robert?Windass 


Against:  Councillors Lindsay Burr MBE and Tony Randerson. 


Abstentions:  None 


Resolved – 


That the Council Tax Resolution be approved. 


3.            Capital Five Year Spending Plan and the Treasury Management Strategy  


These items were taken as one.  The recommendation regarding the Capital Five Year Spending Plan at page 200 of the report (page 847 of the Minute Book) and the recommendation regarding the Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 at page 209 of the report (pages 856 to 857 of the Minute Book) were moved by Councillor Gareth Dadd and seconded by Councillor Carl Les. 


The vote was taken and the motion was declared carried, with 77 for, 2 against and no abstentions. 


Resolved - 


That the refreshed Capital Plan summarised at paragraph 3.3 of the report be approved; and 


That      (1) the Treasury Management Strategy Statement at Annex 1, consisting of the Annual Treasury Management Strategy (Section 1), Capital Prudential Indicators (Section 2), Borrowing Strategy (Section 3) and Annual Investment Strategy 2023/24 (Section 4), be approved, including in particular; 


                             authorised limit for external debt of £660.9m in 2024/25; 


                            operational boundary for external debt of £633.3m in 2023/24; 


                                    iii.the Prudential and Treasury Indicators based on the Council’s current and indicative spending plans for 2024/25 to 2026/27; 


                                   iv.a limit of £60m of the total cash sums available for investment (both in house and externally managed) to be invested in Non-Specified Investments over 365 days; 


                                     v.a Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) policy for debt repayment to be charged to Revenue in 2024/25; 


                                   vi.the Corporate Director – Strategic Resources to report to the Council if and when necessary during the year on any changes to this Strategy arising from the use of operational leasing, PFI or other innovative methods of funding not previously approved by the Council; 


(2) The Capital Strategy as attached as Annex 2 be approved; 


(3) That the Audit Committee be invited to review Annex 1, 2 and 3 and submit any proposals to the Executive for consideration at the earliest opportunity. 


4.            Housing Revenue Account 


The recommendation regarding the Housing Revenue Account made by Executive at its meeting of 23 January 2024 and as described at pages 37 and 38 of the report were moved by Councillor Simon Myers and seconded by Councillor Derek Bastiman


On a vote being taken the motion was declared carried with 54 votes for the motion, none against and there were 15 abstentions. 


For:  Councillors Karl?Arthur, Alyson?Baker, Derek?Bastiman, Eric?Broadbent, Andy?Brown, Nick?Brown, Lindsay?Burr?MBE, David?Chance, Liz Colling, Mark?Crane, Sam?Cross, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Gareth?Dadd, Melanie Davis, Caroline?Dickinson, Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff, Keane?Duncan, Richard?Foster, Sam?Gibbs, Caroline?Goodrick, Tim?Grogan, Michael?Harrison, Paul?Haslam, Robert?Heseltine, David Hugill, Nathan?Hull, David Ireton, George?Jabbour, David?Jeffels, Tom?Jones, Mike?Jordan,  Andrew?Lee, Carl?Les, Cliff?Lunn, John?Mann,  John?McCartney, Heather?Moorhouse, Simon?Myers, David?Noland, Andy?Paraskos, Stuart?Parsons, Yvonne?Peacock, Clive?Pearson, Heather?Phillips, Jack?Proud, Tony Randerson, John?Ritchie, Janet?Sanderson, Karin?Sedgwick, Subash Sharma, Steve Shaw-Wright, Andy Solloway, David?Staveley, Neil?Swannick, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm?Taylor, Phil Trumper, Arnold?Warneken, Steve?Watson, David?Webster, Greg?White, Annabel?Wilkinson, Peter?Wilkinson, Andrew?Williams and Robert?Windass 


Against:  none 


Abstentions: Councillors Chris Aldred, Joy Andrews, Philip Broadbank, Barbara Brodigan, Hannah Gostlow, Bryn Griffiths, Peter Lacey, Steve Mason, Rich Maw, Andrew Murday, Bob Packham, Kirsty Poskitt, Dan Sladden, Monika Slater and Matt Walker. 


Resolved –  



a.    the approval of the HRA budget for 2024/25 as set out in paragraph 6.3, being a net surplus of £1.307m which will be transferred to the HRA working balance; 


b.    the approval of the HRA Medium term financial plan for 2025/26 and 2026/27 and the 30-year HRA Business Plan, as set out in paragraph 6.3 and Appendix D respectively; 


c.     an increase of 7.7% be applied to social, affordable and hostel rents from 1 April 2024 and recommends this to the Council for approval; 


d.    an increase of 2% be applied to shared ownership rents from 1 April 2024 and recommends this to the Council for approval. 


Supporting documents: