i) Statutory proposals and notices be published on 4 April 2024 proposing to change the age range of Boroughbridge High School, by ceasing sixth form provision, with effect from 31 August 2024.
ii) The Executive (or the Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills if there are no objections during the representation period) schedule taking a final decision on these proposals on 18 June 2024.
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service which detailed the outcome of the public consultation carried out by the Council on the proposal to change the age range at Boroughbridge High School by ceasing the Sixth Form provision from 31 August 2024. The Executive were requested to authorise the publication of statutory proposals and notices and schedule taking a final decision on the proposal on 18 June 2024.
Councillor Annabel Wilkinson introduced the report and advised that the federated Governing Board of Boroughbridge High School and King James’s School, Knaresborough resolved to ask the Council to consult on the permanent closure of the Sixth Form at Boroughbridge High School, which had been temporarily suspended since September 2022. This was in response to falling numbers of Sixth Form pupils due to the demographics of the area and the falling numbers on the roll making it difficult to maintain viable class sizes at post-16 in terms of quality of experience, subject breadth and subject viability.
On a vote being taken it was
Resolved (unanimously) – That:
i) Statutory proposals and notices be published on 4 April 2024 proposing to change the age range of Boroughbridge High School, by ceasing sixth form provision, with effect from 31 August 2024; and
ii) The Executive (or the Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills if there are no objections during the representation period) schedule taking a final decision on these proposals on 18 June 2024.
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