Agenda item

23/00144/FUL - Construction of 3 dwellings and associated works at OS Field 1745, Back Lane, Tollerton, North Yorkshire

Report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services.


The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application to determine an application for full planning permission for the construction of three dwellings at OS Field 1745, Back Lane, Tollerton.


This application was referred to the Planning Committee, following a referral by the Ward Member prior to Vesting Day.


Presenting the report, the officer referred to matters included in the report and the updates list including further consultee responses, amended conditions and further information regarding the ownership of the site and adjacent parcels of land.


William Marshall, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the application, the Committee discussed the following issues:


·        The proposed permanent vehicular access to the site from Breckland Court

·        The proposed temporary access to the site from Moorlands Lane

·        The limited access to the site from single track Back Lane and Moorlands Lane

·        The combined number of properties on Breckland Court and the application site and the lack of affordable housing


Councillor Taylor proposed and Councillor Knapton seconded that the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


With reference to the Hambleton Local Plan

1.     Policy HG2 seeks to address not only the overall housing requirements that have been identified, but also for specific types of housing by virtue of size, tenure and type that are required to meet the district’s housing requirements in terms of affordability, adaptability and an aging population. The proposal is not considered to meet the requirements of Policy HG2 and does not reflect local need.

2.     The proposal does not provide for affordable housing when taken together with the adjacent three dwelling site recently constructed, which utilises the same access point to provide for one overall wider development of six houses from the same access point, contrary to Policy HG3.

3.     The incremental growth and amount of development in Tollerton is now starting to cumulatively impact the character, appearance and the form of the settlement, in conflict with Policy HG5.

4.     The temporary construction access would compromise highway safety and accessibility owing to the width of the single track roads being inadequate, resulting in conflict between heavy construction vehicles and existing vehicular traffic, in conflict with Policy IC2.




That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


With reference to the Hambleton Local Plan

1.     Policy HG2 seeks to address not only the overall housing requirements that have been identified, but also for specific types of housing by virtue of size, tenure and type that are required to meet the district’s housing requirements in terms of affordability, adaptability and an aging population. The proposal is not considered to meet the requirements of Policy HG2 and does not reflect local need.

2.     The proposal does not provide for affordable housing when taken together with the adjacent three dwelling site recently constructed, which utilises the same access point to provide for one overall wider development of six houses from the same access point, contrary to Policy HG3.

3.     The incremental growth and amount of development in Tollerton is now starting to cumulatively impact the character, appearance and the form of the settlement, in conflict with Policy HG5.

4.     The temporary construction access would compromise highway safety and accessibility owing to the width of the single track roads being inadequate, resulting in conflict between heavy construction vehicles and existing vehicular traffic, in conflict with Policy IC2.


Voting record

5 For refusal

2 Against refusal


Supporting documents: