Agenda item

Attendance of North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

Purpose – to provide an update on update on the latest HMICFRS field inspection.


Zoe Metcalfe – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner attended the meeting to provide an overview of theprogressandimprovementsagainst theinspection reports produced byHis Majesty’s Inspectorate ofConstabulary &Fire and RescueServices(HMICFRS).


It was noted the PFCC was requiredtoseektheChiefConstableand ChiefFire Officer’sperspectiveon HMICFRSreportsandto publisha response.It was also noted those HMICFRS inspection reports were justonepartof theinformationaboutthe efficiencyandeffectiveness ofNorthYorkshirePolice (NYP)and NorthYorkshireFire &RescueService (NYFRS)used by the PFCCto holdboth ChiefOfficersto account. 


The PFCC confirmed she had acknowledged the progressmade whilst beingrobustin her challengeto bothChiefofficerswhere necessary.  In particular, she had:


·         Immediately convened and live-streamed Public Accountability Meetings where she scrutinised both Chief Officers on their progressagainsttheirHMICFRSimprovement plans.


·         Received monthly progress reports from both chief officers on theirHMI improvement actionplans at meetings oftheJointExecutiveBoard(themost senior jointstrategic decision making andscrutinybodyin thecorporategovernanceframework).


·         Restructured the Office of the PFCCto bring greater focus to delivery &assurance.  TheOffice had also adopted its first-ever Delivery Plan describinghowtheteam haddeliveredandassuredthe Police & CrimePlan,andFireandRescuePlan.


·         Introduced a newAssurance Framework withinthe PFCCoffice, to continuallymonitor andassess delivery ofoutcomes againstprioritiesinbothplansandcross-referencedthoseto HMI assessment frameworks.


·         Amplified thecomplaintsfunctionintoa full CustomerService Team toindependentlymanage complaintsand expressionsof dissatisfaction(andcompliments)aboutNYP andNYFRS,ensuringan impartialandfair review of mattersraised.


In regard to NYP, the PFCC confirmed she had not been satisfiedwiththeirperformance in thoseareasofenduringconcern identified and had continued to robustly scrutinise and drive assurance on behalfof thepublic.  This included overseeing the followingoperationalandcorporateimprovements:


·      Investmentin theForceControlRoom,in respect of101 and 999 but also in respectofchildand adultsafeguarding, resulting in significantlyimprovedresponsetimes.


·         Improvingsafeguardingstructuresandprocesses,with anadditional 49 officers and additional funding leading to an increase in police officers in frontline roles, specificallyon response policing (total 1,663 FTE of which 1400 were operational staff).


·         Stepchangesinthereductionof backlogswithinthecrime recording and occurrence   management unit and addressing the backlogin digital forensics.


·         Delivery of LeadershipProgrammes to almost300supervisorypersonnel, and the introduction of Diversity,EqualityandInclusivitymodulardevelopment and trainingprogrammes.


·         A revisedandrefreshedoverarchingvisionandplan ona page’ focusingNYP staffand officers onthe Force ValuesofImpartiality,IntegrityandRespect– andthe approaches of BeingVictimFocused,Working in Partnership,TargetingOffenders,InterveningEarly, Problem Solving,andBeingInclusive.

·         A NYPStaffSurvey (completion rate61.8%), and a publictrustandconfidencesurveyto gaugetrustand confidence in thepolicing responseacross YorkandNorth Yorkshire.


·         A refresh of NYP’s Workforce Plan and adoptionofa revisedsystemof governanceto drive, challenge andassureprogress in areas of concern.


·      The introduction of TacticalRiskandAssuranceMeetings to ensure attentionto improvement plan delivery with escalationwherenecessary.


·      Investment in 60+ new police vehicles; reintroduction of the rank of Chief Superintendent; an increase in the number of detectives and in the size of the safeguarding team.


·      Therenegotiation of the strategic intent between NYPandNYFRSto enable improved collaboration.  


Members were pleased to note theimprovements made and the PFCC confirmed that publication of the outcome report from the latest PEEL inspection carried out by the HMICFRS at the end of 2023 was expected in a week.  She also confirmed the newchiefconstable would be in place as from 1 April 2024, and that hehadalready started recruitment for a new Deputy.


In regard to HMFRS, the PFCC confirmed that followinganinspectionin spring 2022:


·         A newChiefFire OfficerandDeputyChiefFire Officer had been appointed, whoin turn had builta newStrategic Leadership Teamto leadtheService into astrong,professional,andsustainablefuture.


·         Arigorousongoingprogramme ofimprovement had been implemented andtheChief Fire Officer had putinplaceimmediateplans to addressthe2 causesof concernraised.  Those had been reviewed by HMICFRS at theend ofJanuary 024and the hugestridesforwardhad been recognised, resulting in bothcausesof concernbeing liftedby HMICFRS.  Their next fullinspection is dueat theendof 2024.


·      ACommunity Risk Profile had been created,to include stakeholder’s social, economic and demographic information enabling the Service to understand the risk across York and North Yorkshire.  The information had been fed into the new Risk & Resource model which the public were consulted on in summer 2023, and its implementation had increased prevention and protection work across communities; provided permanent investment intoprevention andprotectionteams;improvedtheavailabilityof on-callfireenginesin rural areas; and estate improvementssuchas £1.1mat RiponFire Station.


In response to Members questions, the PFCC confirmed:


·         The FireService’sfinancialplanningwas soundwitha balancedbudget - she acknowledgedithadbeenunderfunded fora generation which had led her to negotiatesuccessfully with centralgovernmentforpreceptflexibilityin 23/24bringingin additional fundingof £800kthatyear. 


·         Neighbourhood Policing Teams had been restructured and there was sufficient funding available to enable the Service to achieve an outstanding rating.  She also acknowledged that the continuity of officers in a patch helped improve relations with residents and communities.


·         A bid for funding from central Government had been made to help address ASB hotspots – Councillor Williams was pleased to note there was evidence that low level issues were been identified and addressed in Ripon, and Councillor George Jabbour confirmed the increased visibility of NYP in the Ryedale area.


·         The use of technology in support of policing was currently underused but would play an integral part going forward.


Having noted the progress made, the Chair thanked the PFCC for attending and it was:


Resolved – That the verbal update provided by the PFCC be noted.