Agenda item

Public Participation

Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice (including the text of the question/statement) to Paul Preston of Democratic Services (contact details below) by midday on Friday 24th May, 2024. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:-

·         At this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes).

·         When the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting.

If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chair who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.



The following statement was submitted to the Committee, and read out by Hazel Peacock:


The Oatlands and Pannal Ash Road Safety and Active Travel Campaign is delighted the 20mph scheme is now at the design stage, with consultation starting in June. We thank the Highways team wholeheartedly.


There are some important remaining parts of the scheme which we would like to be included, which we hope you can assist us, in getting over the finish line.


Can officers help with answering some points of clarification, for our understanding? Are you able to outline the criteria in the classification and consideration of Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, Leadhall Lane and Otley Road, which are not included with reduced speed limits of 20mph? We would very much like to see them, included.


·         These roads are all “Category 3b roads” in Table 1, in Appendix B; Oatlands Drive, is proposed as 20mph, but the others mentioned, remain at 30mph.


·         What was the process for the inclusion of Oatlands Drive as 20mph, but not Hookstone Road, given the traffic volume data captured in December 2023 and supplied to us for Hookstone Road is 6,392 per day, so lower than Oatlands Drive, which is 7,286 per day (as listed in Appendix B).


With a high density of public amenities on and just off Hookstone Road and Hookstone Drive, 4 schools, a college, a nursery and pre-school, a playing field, a business park, train station used by 893 passengers per day and the largest stand-


alone M&S Food Hall in the UK, with approximately 23,000 customers per week, safety is of paramount concern and the urban characteristics of the road a key consideration.


As you are all aware, there is continued concern about safety from local head teachers (who all support 20mph on this road), parents and local residents. This was detailed in a submission of statements to NYC citing concerns, near misses and incidents on Hookstone Road following the collision at the Hornbeam station crossing in January and the subsequent site visit with officers.


The crossing at the station bridge and by Rayleigh Rd and, the inadequate pedestrian provision on the Crimple Beck Bridge, are also of particular concern.


Finally, Appendix C states it is the view of officers that “none of the recommendations would have any adverse impacts on any of the protected characteristics identified in the Equalities Act 2010”. Please can officers outline the process in considering the equality impacts of not recommending, a reduction in limits to 20mph on Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, Otley Road and Leadhall Lane? Particularly for age, given over 9,000 school children attend schools or college situated on and off these roads, every school day.


Thank you, for your assistance and ongoing support.


The following response was read in response by Heather Yendall (Improvement Manager):


The report being presented to the Area Constituency Committee today is intended to set out timescales for the previously agreed 20mph schemes across the south and west of Harrogate, not to discuss which streets are included within this proposal.


However, to answer the questions put forward Hookstone on free parking is generally Road, Hookstone Drive and Otley Road are category 3a roads and Leadhall Lane is a category 3b. The descriptions for these categories of road are included in the table below for reference.



Hierarchy Description

Type of Road General Description



Main Distributer

Major Urban Network and Inter-Primary Links.

Short – medium distance traffic

Routes between Strategic routes and linking urban centres to the strategic network with limited frontage access. In urban areas speed limits are usually 40mph or less, parking is restricted at peak times and there are positive measures for pedestrian safety.


Secondary Distributer

B and C class roads and some unclassified urban routes carrying bus, HGV and local traffic with frontage access and frequent junctions

In residential and other built up areas these roads have 20 or 30 mph speed limits and very high levels of pedestrian activity with some crossing facilities including zebra crossings. On-street parking is generally unrestricted except for safety reasons. In rural areas these roads like the larger villages, bus routes and HGV generators to the Strategic and Main Distributor Network.


The function for both Hookstone Road and Drive is to provide a link between Wetherby Road and Leeds Road and also is a key link to the Harrogate Business Park. Because of this use the introduction of a full 20mph limit is not appropriate in line with the policy for the implementation of 20mph schemes.


In regard to Appendix C, the Equalities Impact Assessment for this report was produced alongside what is being presented to members today outlining the timescales for proposed implementation. The process for both installing a reduced speed limit and installing traffic calming will be subject to consultations with the public where the impact of protected characteristics will be assessed.


The Chair advised that a written copy of the response would be circulated to the speaker and to members.