Agenda item

ZE23/01660/MFUL - Change of use of agricultural and equestrian land to allow the siting of 24no. holiday lodges, 1no. wardens lodge and 1no. reception/shop with associated access, parking, infrastructure and landscaping (revised detail to planning approval 20/00701/MFUL dated 15.11.2021) at Land off Daskett Hill, Sheriff Hutton


Report of the Head of Development Management – Community Development sought determination of a planning application for change of use of agricultural and equestrian land to allow the siting of 24no. holiday lodges, 1no. wardens lodge and 1no. reception/shop with associated access, parking, infrastructure and landscaping (revised detail to planning approval 20/00701/MFUL dated 15.11.2021) on land at Daskett Hill, Sheriff Hutton.


The application was referred to the Committee for determination owing to the range of issues raised.


The Planning Officer advised the Committee that the Planning Agent had advised that the units proposed for the site were no longer available. Officers were of the view that the exact appearance of the units should be secured, prior to any decision on the application being made.


Officers had been advised that amended plans would be submitted and therefore sought deferral of the item.




That planning permission be DEFERRED in order for more information to be received including amended plans showing the exact appearance including the form, glazing and footprint of the alternative units. Any material difference may be subject to re-advertising.


Voting record

Confirmed by general affirmation.


Supporting documents: