Agenda item

Governance Arrangements - Report of the Treasurer


The Head of Pensions Administration presented a report, reviewing a range of governance documents and seeking the committee’s approval of them.  The following information was added to the report:


·         Members heard that the Risk Register was updated every six months, but the most recent update had taken place after the publication of the agenda for this meeting, so it would be taken to the next meeting of the committee in September.


·         Appendix 18 (NYPF Draft Statement of Accounts) had originally intended to be distributed as a supplementary document after the publication of the agenda, with a recommendation to note its contents.  However, delays to the 2022/23 accounts and ongoing capacity issues had delayed this item, and officers reported that it would be circulated to members at a later date.






a)    The changes made to the governance documents listed at 5.1 of the report be approved.


b)    That the contents of the Risk Management Policy (Appendix 6) be noted.

Supporting documents: