Considered –
The Standards and Governance Committee Hearings Panel Procedures approved by the Monitoring Officer under his delegated powers.
It was noted that some of the complaints referred for investigation were now ready to go to a panel hearing, with one having been heard earlier in the month. The prehearing review process aimed to identify any areas of dispute in advance of the hearing to allow the hearing procedure to operate as efficiently and proportionately as possible.
A member commented that the training previously delivered to all members of the Standards and Governance Committee was very helpful and served to support them in the hearing process.
The Chair of the hearing panel agreed and noted that all of the information required by the panel was present and available and they were very satisfied with the procedure and handling of the whole situation. It was noted to thank officers for their work on this. A further member of the panel agreed and noted that the hearing was very well organised, managed and chaired.
It was suggested that a group of members from the Committee be specifically identified to undertake future hearing panels as there would be further hearings coming up in the future, with perhaps some more specific training to support them in this. The Monitoring Officer invited Members to inform him after the meeting if they are interested in participating in hearings panels.
Resolved –
That the Standards and Governance Committee Hearings Panel Procedure and Pre-Hearing Review process agreed by the Monitoring Officer under delegated powers be adopted by the Committee.
This was agreed unanimously.
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