The recommendations at pages 507 to 510 of the agenda pack (pages 1943 to 1946 of the Minute Book) were moved and seconded.
The following amendment to the recommendations was moved by Councillor Liz Colling and seconded by Councillor Rich Maw:
Paragraph 9.0 recommendations
Amend item
Delete entire section (5)
Insert New 5) Parish be divided into wards named:
Falsgrave And Stepney
Weaponness and Ramshill
Delete entire section (7)
Insert new 7) The number of parish councillors to be elected for each ward shall be:
Castle 3
Falsgrave And Stepney 3
Northstead 3
Weaponness and Ramshill 3
Woodlands 3
The reason for the amendment was to respect the results of the public consultation.
Proposer – Councillor Liz Colling
Seconder – Councillor Rich Maw
The amendment was then debated.
On a vote being taken the motion was declared carried with 64 votes for, 8 against and no abstentions.
A vote was then taken on the new substantive motion which was declared carried, with 63 votes for, 7 against and 2 abstentions.
Resolved –
That the Council:
i) considers the consultation results and equality impact assessment
ii) approves the following:
(1) to create a new parish for the unparished area of Harrogate
(2) the new parish be named Harrogate
(3) the new parish have a parish council and to name that parish council Harrogate Town Council
(4) the parish come into effect from 1 April 2025 for administrative purposes, and the first election for the town council be 2 May 2025 for a reduced term of two years, with ordinary elections taking place in 2027 and every four years thereafter
(5) the parish be divided into wards, named
Bilton Grange
Bilton Woodfield
Coppice Valley
High Harrogate
New Park
Old Bilton
St Georges
Valley Gardens
(6) there should be 19 councillors elected to the parish
(7) the number of parish councillors to be elected for each ward shall be
Bilton Grange 1
Bilton Woodfield 1
Central 1
Coppice Valley 1
Duchy 1
Fairfax 1
Harlow 1
High Harrogate 1
Hookstone 1
Kingsley 1
New Park 1
Oatlands 1
Old Bilton 1
Pannal 1
Saltergate 1
St Georges 1
Starbeck 1
Stray 1
Valley Gardens 1
(8) the change take effect on 15 October 2024 for electoral purposes (ahead of publication of the revised register planned for 1 December 2024)
(9) the boundaries of the new parish and wards should be as shown on the map at Annex A.
(1) to create a new parish for the unparished area of Scarborough
(2) the new parish be named Scarborough
(3) the new parish have a parish council and to name that parish council Scarborough Town Council
(4) the parish come into effect from 1 April 2025 for administrative purposes, and the first election for the town council be 2 May 2025 for a reduced term of two years, with ordinary elections taking place in 2027 and every four years thereafter
(5) the parish be divided into wards, named
Falsgrave And Stepney
Weaponness and Ramshill
(6) there should be 15 councillors elected to the parish
7) The number of parish councillors to be elected for each ward shall be:
Castle 3
Falsgrave And Stepney 3
Northstead 3
Weaponness and Ramshill 3
Woodlands 3.
(8) the change take effect on 15 October 2024 for electoral purposes (ahead of publication of the revised register planned for 1 December 2024)
(9) the boundaries of the new parish and wards should be as shown on the map at Annex A.
(1) the north-eastern boundary line of Eastfield Town Council be extended towards the A165 to match the Eastfield Division and Ward boundaries (and consequentially excluding the 3 known anomalous properties at Osgodby)
(2) the changes take effect on 1 April 2025 for administrative purposes
(3) the change takes effect on 15 October 2024 for electoral purposes (ahead of publication of the revised register planned for 1 December 2024)
(4) the changes should be as shown on the map at Annex A
(1) to extend Newby & Scalby Town Council boundary to include all of Charles Williams Apartments, to become coterminous with the Newby Division)
(2) the changes take effect on 1 April 2025 for administrative purposes.
(3) the change takes effect on 15 October 2024 for electoral purposes (ahead of publication of the revised register planned for 1 December 2024)
(4) the changes should be as shown on the map at Annex A
(1) to extend Osgodby Parish Council boundary to include those 3 properties currently outside of the parish, at the norther boundary line, and to become coterminous with the Cayton Division
(2) the changes take effect on 1 April 2025 for administrative purposes.
(3) the change takes effect on 15 October 2024 for electoral purposes (ahead of publication of the revised register planned for 1 December 2024)
(4) the changes should be as shown on the map at Annex A
(iii) authority be granted to the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources to implement the decisions including making reorganisation orders which amongst other things will set the precept for the first year of the town councils to take effect from 1 April 2025.
Supporting documents: